Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Ladies and Gentlemen this is the President of the United States.
Just let that soak in for a min. No matter what you believe politically this guy is as dishonorable as they get. The most classless POTUS in this Nations history.
lol shit is wild I tell ya!!!
Well, now that Bathhouse Barry is no longer fouling the White House, mebbe he can come visit YOU and you two can take turns pegging each other ! After all, YOUR post lists HIM in YOUR avatar AND says he's " the most classless POTUS in this Nation's history !! So he'd be right up to YOUR low standards ! No THIRD TERM FOR ODUMMER !!! No FIRST TERM for shrilLIARy !!!!! WOO-HOO !!!! SUGG ON THAT !!!!!!
BESIDES, every time odummer danced with MOOCHelle, HE was dancing with a tranny !