don't quite understand these
Christmas cards about the kids
When a couple has kids, the 1st years you will get a copied, typewritten page inside the Christmas card, discussing every possible thing the kids did the past year. A couple years pass, the Christmas card will have only a photo inside. A couple more years, nothing
note: we don't care about your kids
Woman and big boobs
Seems like most women, even attractive women, want big boobs. All they do is get in the way, give you a backache, and prevent you from enjoying some activites, jogging for example.
note: boobs just have to be shapely, not gigantic
Computer chip circuits
Manufacturers can now put millions of circuits within a size no wider than a human hair. Who knows how to do this work, never seen a college course for that. And how can they have tools even small enough to make these ?
note: thank you america for inventing all this stuff