Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
isn't he doing that by claiming Russian propaganda did it?
Exactly, and that was my point.
A "problem" is that Obaminable is not claiming the results were the fault of the Russians. Additionally, the information allegedly (now denied by the source who released the emails ... Wiki ..) obtained by the Russians wasn't "propaganda" ... since the authenticity of the emails has not been challenged even with a weak alleged denial ... that they must be "evaluated" to determine their reliability .... in other words ... the senders and receivers agree they are all authentic.
Another "issue" is the morphing of the phrase "Russian Hacker" to somehow inferentially mean that the "Hacker" was an employee/representative of the Russian Government acting in the capacity of an employee/representative of the Russian Government.
For the bubble-headed, teary-eyed, snotty-nosed, coloring-book-brats with a "comfort pet" to sooth their hysteria, the morphing goes right through their empty heads and passes out the other side.
They believe FAKE NEWS when it comes from THEIR SIDE.
That's why they ASSUMED their anointed-one was a "shoe-in" .. even with Bill and Obaminable on her side!
Just like they believe that Trump has no "international" experience, like they believe his new Secretary of State has none! If the LIE makes them feel good it's "OK"! Ask Gruber!