I think financial domination is a wide, wide genre. Like I'm not a dominatrix and I would never humiliate anyone period. Not my thing. I also don't like to hurt or threaten anyone in any way. While I come across as a snob, that's just a barrier to deflect any and all punters/time-wasters. I'm actually as sweet as pie and incredibly gentle.
But I put my high standards out there, and I'm super clear with my boundaries and I often turn people down just because they can't get it all together in their introduction, and for that I sometimes get billed as a "domme."
So there is a small section of fellows (and one awesome lady) who see my persona, see that I do this for fun and that I have a sizeable media budget to produce professional photos and videos as often as I like, and that I have plenty of designer drag to prance around in, and they want to impress me.
So I get tributes and I get gifts. And I get huge tips. And I get folks who book me for extended engagements but give me plenty of time to myself to recharge and do my thing.
Its not financial domination per se, but it is money for nothing. And yes, its absolutely awesome. There is something about success that drives certain guys wild.
Of course I do traditional sessions (in a sense, I mean I'm a service top so I don't bottom to my clients). I enthusiastically see people and entertain them for as long as they book. They get exactly what they come for. And they don't always tip or bring a gift or do anything above an beyond what I request. And I love these folks just as much!

I love providing a high level of service and exceeding expectations (and I keep my booking procedures and rates at a level where I am always motivated and inspired to do so). I'm a Playful Pervert - I live to serve!
But I can't say I mind the fellows who just love dropping money. I'm here for that too