With the poll now closed, we can see that the WELL EARNED DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR ( DOTY ) TITLE GOES TO LUBED WIDE ASS !

This is LUBE'S first time in the election and his first of probably MANY victories of the DOTY award !

He can proudly display his trophy right alongside his "award " from the " Army " for " Latrine Orderly of the YEAR " for his stalwart efforts in burning the "refuse " of his fellow "soldiers " in the field latrines and making sure there was ample toilet paper for their use. When the TP ran low, "super soldier " LUBE offered HIS TONGUE " to keep things moving " , as the award states !
And as stated in the first post of the DOTY poll, the second highest vote getter will act as " Vice-DOTY " should the DOTY be unable to fulfill his " duties " . So who better to "guide " a still-learning Dipshit than ECCIE'S DOTY emeritus, ASSUP !!! ( Mebbe he can pull a Lyin Lyndon Johnson and "bump off " the self-proclaimed (ahem ) " mafia hit " man "" and asend to the TOP position AGAIN !!!! )
And poor ole EKIM !!!

ECCIE'S Inbred Chimp put up a valiant effort and has worked hard again all year to achieve his dream, but alas, again it's " NOT THIS YEAR " ! Even with his last minute efforts down at HIS KansASS gloryholes

to drum up more votes for himself, he just fell a little short

! ( Just like the local trannies say he is in the dick department, poor little EUNUCH ! )
And suckclown and fisting chapped ass's efforts aren't to be discounted ! Mebbe suckclown can get " DOTY advisory " position ( Local CZAR of DINGLEBERRY PICKING perhaps ? ) with his hero, since he's spent so much time WKing for LUBE and his votes kept the original DOTY mafia from STEALING the crown this year . So a merry campaign season to you all and , again, GREAT effort by the " candidates". Thanks to all of you that voted, especially those of you that " voted early and often " ! The libs just LOOOOOOVE that ! Until it doesn't work out THEIR way !
So lets see which " candidate " opens their NEXT campaign TODAY with their NEXT post !