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Old 03-09-2011, 05:50 PM   #1
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Default Sexual lHarrassment in the Workplace (for my sidekick Yssup)

'Sup seems to wet himself every time he thinks I am fucking someone that works for me..... Yes it has happened in the past.... I used to own clubs and anyone in the club or restaraunt business will attest to the number of hookups that occur.....

but I found out a few years ago how incredibly difficult it really is in Texas to find an attorney willing to take a Workplace Harassment Case.

I was working as a Sales Manager at a local Car Dealership

A young lady had went through training and hit the floor with the right attitude but one of the Desk Managers was incredibly old fashioned in his thought process and rode her hard.

He would make her go on lunch runs, coffee runs and snack runs and insisted in telling her the nastiest jokes at times.... He brought her to tears more than once.....

Then came the sexual innuendo..... telling her if she was willing to "learn the right techniques" he could help her close some deals.... give her better "ups"....

When one of the guys snaked her on the lot and she went to the desk to mention it he grabbed his crotch and told her where she could find an "up".....

I left due to the Pay Plan with another guy and we parked at another dealership and tried to get her to come over....

Right before she was going to make the change the desk guy grabbed her..... pulled her into his lap and groped her.....

She quit...... She told her story in the exit interview and they fired the manager.

Both myself and the other guy had witnessed much of what occurred and were willing to back her.... I made several calls and set up a couple of appointments for her with lawyers that supposedly specialized in that kind of stuff.....

Unless she was willing to pay a retainer we could not find anyone to help her.....

The lawyers basically all said the same thing

1) They needed her to find other women that it had happened to to show it to be more a pattern than an isolated incident that could be twisted to be blamed in some way on her.... If there were not others then they didn't want to waste the time.....

2) The company was too large and had a huge corporate legal staff that would tie it up for a long time..... They knew it was going to be a lot more than writing a letter and making a settlement..... So they wanted a retainer..... $10K would cover it.....

Everyone was sorry and agreed she had been wronged but no one wanted to touch it....

On TV lawyers litigate... In real world they sit at their desks, write letters, posture and settle.....

Not all of them.... but many of them..... Once again.. these are MY opinions...

When they WILL go after someone they want deep pockets and easy insurance pay outs......

I understand why some people worry about it..... In the corporate environment they worry about everything and most guys around here are PROBABLY employees.....

I own my business..... the buck stops at me..... It is set up in a manner that it's not much of a target for any kind of suit...... If some stripper I've banged a couple of times comes in for a couple of weeks at her leisure to do some work and earn a few extra bucks and ends up on or under my desk.... personally.... I'm not really all that worried about it.....

OK 'Sup..... there you go... dig out you legal dictionary and have at it.....
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:01 PM   #2
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Obviously I struck a nerve there Big Daddy!

Not trying to do that per se.

At least you rescued her from that bad car dude who groped her! LMAO!

However, I can verify that your knowledge of what attorneys do and don't do under Texas law is severely limited. I needn't break out a dictionary. Everything's OK until you get caught. I imagine someone out there will get caught one day because their (notice the proper use of the word) hero, Whispers said it was OK to fuck girls they hire.

Obviously you have preyed on the ignorant and desperate and not been in a position where a judgment against you might be worth any attorney's time or effort. Kinda sucks for the little folks out there. But you got your pecker wet ... and that's a good thing, right? It makes me no never mind, but it does kinda rankle me how you brag about it all the time.

I don't watch TV lawyers. I watch real ones. And I watch the judges they practice before. And I watch the mofos who make the laws those courts enforce. And I've seen a LOT of people go to jail and/or the poor house behind shit like you routinely brag about.

Your "factual" manner of expressing your opinion should not be mistaken for fact or truth. It is merely your experience and your opinion.

What you've basically said here is that as long as you're not an attractive target for a lawsuit, it's OK to be a workplace predator.

I get it.

Just want to make sure all your pals do, too.

After all, if you're going to have me as your sidekick, you've got to learn to spell and shit...
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:03 PM   #3
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The kind of schitt Yssup is referring to happens in Corporate America where huge companies with deep pockets can be swarmed on by lawyers for a payout.

Fucking leeches is what they are. They wouldn't touch a sole proprietorship business man that told them to go wipe their asses somewhere else.

A lawyer will only sue if he is 90% assured of a pay out, or he/she can be assured that the complainant can be soaked for a goodly sum. They are the scum of the earth and the bane of what was once a decent civilization.
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:07 PM   #4
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You know I have a suspicion that a pussy willow does not have any pals. As much as he whines and complains nobody wants to be around that crap. Do not forget the know it all attitude and his I can mock you but not me double standard. Maybe that is why he is here for a captive audience.
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:24 PM   #5
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I'm disappointed. That's all you had?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Obviously I struck a nerve there Big Daddy!

Nope... Not at all..... Just wanna see what ya can really do with a subject you seem to have some passion for.... By the way.... can you try to do all this without calling people names? I'm big and a daddy but your neither a cute young lady servicing me or one of my kids....

At least you rescued her from that bad car dude who groped her! LMAO!

Where did I say that? She stayed behind... She quit... She eventually joined the Marine Corps and moved away....

You love making "chit" up don't you,,,,

However, I can verify that your knowledge of what attorneys do and don't do under Texas law is severely limited.

Once again... since you fail to read.... I'm no expert on lawyers or lawsuits... I relayed MY experiences about this particular subject....

I needn't break out a dictionary. Everything's OK until you get caught. I imagine someone out there will get caught one day because their (notice the proper use of the word) hero, Whispers said it was OK to fuck girls they hire.

I doubt it ... I don't think anyone takes what I say and applies it in their workplaces.... Come on now 'Sup..... quit grandstanding with unstated and unsupported comments...

Obviously you have preyed on the ignorant and desperate and not been in a position where a judgment against you might be worth any attorney's time or effort. Kinda sucks for the little folks out there. But you got your pecker wet ... and that's a good thing, right? It makes me no never mind, but it does kinda rankle me how you brag about it all the time.

I don't see it as preying to hear an opportunity and make an offer.... They are all adults and capable of making their own decisions..... No different then the ladies here as Providers....

Why not find someone to fuck who doesn't fear for her job, whether real or implied? Then I'd think you were a REAL man!

Once again...... your twisting reality into some other form for your own amusement.... I'm not fucking ANYONE that works for me..... Would I be afraid to do it in the future NO.... not under certain circumstances...

I don't watch TV lawyers. I watch real ones. And I watch the judges they practice before. And I watch the mofos who make the laws those courts enforce. And I've seen a LOT of people go to jail and/or the poor house behind shit like you routinely brag about.

Your "factual" manner of expressing your opinion should not be mistaken for fact or truth. It is merely your experience and your opinion.

I think I tend to state that quite often....i think it is safe to say that anything ANY of us writes is based on our own experiences.

What you've basically said here is that as long as you're not an attractive target for a lawsuit, it's OK to be a workplace predator.

I get it. No I didn't say that at all..... The incident I quoted above IMO should have been very actionable... The dealership was owned by a Fortune 1000 company and I personally thought the lady had a very solid case with excellant witnesses... But noone would take it.....

Just want to make sure all your pals do, too.

After all, if you're going to have me as your sidekick, you've got to learn to spell and shit...
NAW... That's what I have you for... So long as the message gets delivered I could care less about grammar and punctuation.... What would the truly bored have to do with their days if I didn't give them material to analyze?
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:32 PM   #6
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All right, ENOUGH. Keep it civil and focused on events and not personal attacks.
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:41 PM   #7
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I'm sorry VYT...

I don't see anything remotely uncivil here.....

It might help if you provide a few examples.....

I'm staying on topic as well as responding to Yssups posts and he is stumbling and fumbling a bit but still..... Not remotely uncivil or out of line..... BIG DADDY is the worse thing that has been said in the name calling department....

People get passionate on some subjects but there are surely worse examples than what is here if you are looking for a thread to take a stand on.........

If the few posts here is where your going to make your first stand on civility then lets get a look see on the thread from others because what your saying and suggesting we do is bordering more on censorship then on moderation....

We dealt with that regularly on ASPD... .MODS with nothing better to do then post and steer every thread in the directions THEY thought it should go....

Give things time and someone will let you pull the trigger......

But I'm a big boy and can defend myself without stepping out of line....
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:52 PM   #8
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Yeah. There was nothing personal here but I acquiesced to your suggestion nonetheless. Because THAT'S the kind of guy I am. Good thing there was no discussion of forbidden topics or native wildlife!

I don't want anybody to perceive anything but peace and love from their old pal The Rider.

But I'm neither stumbling nor fumbling. And I AM using proper Anglish!

We're all learning in this brave new world of ECCIE! One guy calls out another member with a 1,000 word post and the other's supposed respond with the Serenity Prayer! No problem. We can do that!

Thanks, though. I meant no disrespect to you or the board, Vyt. I think we ALL know that.

That said, I'm going home to put on my asshat and have a good cry!
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:08 PM   #9
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Not intending to steer the direction of the conversation at all; however name calling and personal attacks aren't appropriate.

Believe me, I'm in no hurry to hand out points at all - I'm at 0 given out so far and would like to remain so, thank you.

Back to the topic - and a bit of an illustrative story. About 15 years ago, young Vyt showed up for his first day on the job in a new shiny corporate office. This was his first 'real' job at a 'real' company for a 'real' paycheck, so he was pretty excited!

So while he's settling in, the attractive secretary pops into his cubicle and asks if he needs anything. "No, I'm good, thanks."

"No, really, do you need *anything*."

"No, I'm, uh, good." Am I failing a test or something.

Secretary sets the stack of folders she's carrying down, and sits on my desk, crossing her legs, giving me quite a view (it was a pretty short skirt.) And then leans over and says, huskily, "If you need *anything* *at* *all* let me know."

Oh come on, this has to be some sort of test. This woman is NOT hitting on me 10 minutes into a new job. I really need this job. This is ridiculous. This is so not happening.
I stammer something noncommittal and she wanders off.

Six months later she successfully sued the company for sexual harassment. I guess someone else needed something.
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:13 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Vyt View Post
Not intending to steer the direction of the conversation at all; however name calling and personal attacks aren't appropriate.
Indeed. I didn't here, nor would NEVER call anybody names. Except, maybe, for ASSHAT!

This just in -- I now see where the namecalling came from. It was from someone on my IGNORE list. Bad form kiddo! Shirley you can do better than that.

(Sorry ... I just can't get that one off my mind. I might even need to bring back an old avatar of "someone's" to illustrate what a REAL asshat is!)
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:37 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by saj1000 View Post
The kind of schitt Yssup is referring to happens in Corporate America where huge companies with deep pockets can be swarmed on by lawyers for a payout.

Fucking leeches is what they are. They wouldn't touch a sole proprietorship business man that told them to go wipe their asses somewhere else.

A lawyer will only sue if he is 90% assured of a pay out, or he/she can be assured that the complainant can be soaked for a goodly sum. They are the scum of the earth and the bane of what was once a decent civilization.

I tend to agree......

Vyt... What size company were you at?..... I would bet against it being a small Corp with a dozen or less employees.....
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:45 PM   #12
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Huge multinational. And there was so much intra-office screwing going on that one day we came in to find that all the offices suddenly had glass walls...
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:49 PM   #13
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Wow, the most I did was get my toes sucked while working late one night. OH, I guess there was that time when I was 19 & had a 3some on the captain's desk w/ two of the route drivers at Pinkerton's. LOL

Oh well... Gotta have at least one office story I guess.

Sorry you got f'd over, though, Vyt. I hate hearing crap like that.
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Old 03-09-2011, 08:19 PM   #14
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Try fucking a law clerk!
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Old 03-09-2011, 08:39 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat View Post
Sorry you got f'd over, though, Vyt. I hate hearing crap like that.
Hey, I didn't get f'd over... if I did I might have been named in the suit!
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