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Yep, illegal. But, you would have to have a justice department and an administration that was not a part of the illegal acitvites to prosecute.
Our media is corrupt and so is our government.
I was actually more offended by the video showing the dimretards hiring the mentally ill to incite violence at Trump rallies.
It's illegal. It's unethical. All of it! I honestly don't see how anyone can go out vote for Hillary Clinton and NOT want to immediately go home and take a bath in bleach. It's politics at it's filthiest!
Just the fabulous work of the Clinton Crime Family.
It is so bad that Chelsea is worried.
She should know her parents have it covered or can do away with the evidence and then just not be able to recall.
Hillary and her crew are completely depraved. They act on "your behalf" like some kind of political vigilante force. They shape your thoughts (providing information at sometimes and denying information at others), incite violence when opposed, and encourage voter fraud because they can't trust ordinary citizens to make their own decisiins.