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Old 10-11-2016, 04:12 PM   #1
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Default On Path to Embarrassing Defeat, 'Unshackled' Trump Returns to His Roots: Attacking Republicans

George Will says it best. Drumpf is the chemotherapy the GOP needs to weed out the assholes.


On Path to Embarrassing Defeat, 'Unshackled' Trump Returns to His Roots: Attacking Republicans
Guy Benson

We've reached the inevitable stage of the campaign in which even Trump-bullish political prognosticators are effectively declaring 'lights out' on his candidacy. Back-to-back national polls show Donald Trump trailing Hillary Clinton by double digits -- and although it appears as though Trump's level of support is relatively stable among his base, the essential path to expanding his appeal has disastrously narrowed. His RealClearPolitics average has slid back below 40 percent on the four-way ballot, with even typically-friendly Rasmussen also detecting a national downswing.

The GOP has lost his average leads in Florida, North Carolina and -- gulp -- Ohio, and may have allowed Hillary Clinton to sneak up on him in Arizona. This October fade has been self-inflicted. Trump failed to prepare for the first presidential debate, which shattered ratings records. He face-planted badly under the brightest lights, losing in every scientific poll of viewers.

Then, with Wikileaks poised to drop damaging revelations about Hillary Clinton, the 'p***y grab' tape emerged, and Trump's abhorrent words plunged the campaign into crisis mode. (Funny how Trump's seemingly preternatural ability to manipulate and dominate media narratives suddenly expired after the primaries, isn't it?) Dozens of GOP elected officials jumped ship, as Trump's own wife and running mate issued condemnations. Why, it's almost as if there's a reason why hacked Clinton campaign emails show her team eager to elevate this self-destructive alleged billionaire during the Republican primary.

They wanted desperately to run against him. Indeed, here's one confidante writing that perhaps the only person Mrs. Clinton could defeat in the general was her longtime buddy and donor, the unprepared and widely-detested Donald J. Trump:

Andrew Stiles ✔ @AndrewStilesUSA
From new Wikileaks dump: Team Hillary was terrified GOP would nominate anyone other than Trump. GOP came through in the end.
9:32 AM - 10 Oct 2016
2,186 2,186 Retweets 1,809 1,809 likes

Much to Hillary's eternal delight, a plurality of Republican voters (the weakest in modern primary history) had her back, handing her the opponent she needed to ensure her presidency.

It couldn't have worked out much better for her, and now her party is smelling blood. Republicans fear that a wicked blend of Trump's toxicity to non-Trump voters, swelling Republican disunity, and Trump's penchant for furious retribution and blame-shift could lead to the loss or one or both of Congress' legislative chambers. Holding the Senate was always going to be a tough task, although it has looked quite plausible in recent weeks. If GOP internal numbers continue to plunge, and if Trump's margin of defeat is large, the chances of retaining the upper chamber majority dwindle considerably. As for the House majority, which has long been considered safe, some in the party are starting to see warning signs. And following a contentious conference call among House Republican conference members yesterday -- in which Speaker Paul Ryan sensibly instructed members to hug or reject Trump as the situations in individual districts require -- Trump is taking Ryan's decision to focus entirely on Congressional races as an excuse to divide the party even further. Man-children gonna tantrum:

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Despite winning the second debate in a landslide (every poll), it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!
7:16 AM - 11 Oct 2016
14,733 14,733 Retweets 46,268 46,268 likes

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty.
8:05 AM - 11 Oct 2016
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Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty.
8:05 AM - 11 Oct 2016
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Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!
11:52 AM - 11 Oct 2016
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Members of his team are doing the same, despite the RNC's ostentatious display of unwavering loyalty last night. Ryan's terse reply, for what it's worth: Maybe we should fight the other party, Donald. Gone are the days when Team Trump said down-ballot candidates were welcome to distance themselves from the top of the ticket in the interests of winning. Remember, Trump is merely renting out the Republican Party in pursuit of his ambitions. He isn't a Republican, which his why attacking Republicans comes so easily to him. It's his comfort zone, perfected during the primary season glory days, back when the media amplified his every utterance. He's stated that he isn't terribly interested in which party controls the Senate next year, and a member of his "gloating" inner circle told the Washington Post that they "don't care" about the Trump-caused schisms and fear roiling the party. His attitude appears to be that if he's going to lose this thing -- which he must know is what's happening, despite repeating the hilarious "every poll" delusion above -- he's going to burn the place down with him. If he can't win, nobody should be allowed to win.

By tossing gas on this conflagration and once again blasting "fellow" Republicans instead of attacking Democrats, today's

Trump is doing everything he can to ensure that a Clinton/Schumer/Pelosi team (he's helped or donated to all three) will have an opportunity to impose a far-left agenda via ramrod politics. And thus he's vindicating conservative critics' case against him: He's an unelectable, unstable, capricious, petty fraud whose nomination sealed the party's fate. A vote for Trump in the Republican primary was a vote for Hillary's extremely likely victory. Rather than owning up to his own historic choke-job against one of the weakest and most reviled major party nominees of all time, Trump is Trumping: Lashing out at those who are insufficiently obsequious in service to his insecure and artificially-inflated ego.

I'll leave you with scathing Trump critic George F. Will arguing that the GOP deserves to stick with the head case they've elevated, in accordance with Hillary Clinton's wishes -- likening Trump to chemotherapy. Brutal:
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Old 10-11-2016, 04:39 PM   #2
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Old 10-11-2016, 05:36 PM   #3
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Guy Benson(Dick) Arnold has always been a "Never Trumper", his traitorous ways are duly noted.

Just remember...

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Old 10-11-2016, 05:39 PM   #4
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Trump knows he is going to lose. Since nothing his ever his fault he is looking for a scapegoat. Man up Donnie you are responsible for you action.
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Old 10-11-2016, 05:43 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding View Post
Trump knows he is going to lose. Since nothing his ever his fault he is looking for a scapegoat. Man up Donnie you are responsible for you action.

"his ever his" "responsible for you action"... I thought we do not allow kids in here? WTF!

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Old 10-11-2016, 06:03 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding View Post
Trump knows he is going to lose. Since nothing his ever his fault he is looking for a scapegoat. Man up Donnie you are responsible for you action.
Learn how to write before you venture out into a public forum jackass. But you picked an appropriate handle for yourself. Spaulding from Caddyshack. Go eat a turd Spaulding.
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Old 10-11-2016, 06:13 PM   #7
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Trump has 20,000 people at rallys and 20,000 outside. Hildabeast can't even fill half of an elementary school gym. LANDSLIDE!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP
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Old 10-11-2016, 06:30 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by canuckeight View Post
Trump has 20,000 people at rallys and 20,000 outside. Hildabeast can't even fill half of an elementary school gym. LANDSLIDE!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP
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Old 10-11-2016, 06:33 PM   #9
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0zombies are kind of stupid!

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Old 10-11-2016, 06:44 PM   #10
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Old 10-11-2016, 08:40 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by canuckeight View Post
Trump has 20,000 people at rallys and 20,000 outside. Hildabeast can't even fill half of an elementary school gym. LANDSLIDE!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP
Care to make a wager ? The Dallas Cowboys and the New York Knicks respectively sell out their home games all the time and neither team has sniffed the playoffs and over 3 years dickwad.

I have voted in every election for the near past 40 years and never once been to a rally and the majority of people who vote don't attend rallies. Do you realize nearly 100 million people turn out to vote you idiot?

And Just for the record do you realize at his rallies there's a small percentage of people who won't even vote like little kids?

Also, look at clintons rally she had in Florida versus Any of Trump's rallies- Clintons rallies has every ethnic group you can imagine- now view trumps rallies majority white with a sprinkle and a small sprinkle of a black or another minority - which one is more representative of voters in America ?
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Old 10-11-2016, 08:48 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
Care to make a wager ? The Dallas Cowboys and the New York Knicks respectively sell out their home games all the time and neither team has sniffed the playoffs and over 3 years dickwad.

I have voted in every election for the near past 40 years and never once been to a rally and the majority of people who vote don't attend rallies. Do you realize nearly 100 million people turn out to vote you idiot?

And Just for the record do you realize at his rallies there's a small percentage of people who won't even vote like little kids?

Also, look at clintons rally she had in Florida versus Any of Trump's rallies- Clintons rallies has every ethnic group you can imagine- now view trumps rallies majority white with a sprinkle and a small sprinkle of a black or another minority - which one is more representative of voters in America ?
The Steelers, Patriots. Giants, Ravens and Packers sell out every game. They've won the majority of the Super Bowls this century you fucking idiot.
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Old 10-11-2016, 09:46 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
The Steelers, Patriots. Giants, Ravens and Packers sell out every game. They've won the majority of the Super Bowls this century you fucking idiot.
Thanks for the sports analogy you just answered my question- the Knicks and cowboys sellout and don't even make the playoffs which shows popularity doesn't equal success you moron. The Cowboys even with their high ass parking and admission tickets outsell all those playoffbans Super Bowl teams that you listed which exactly proves my point you can draw big crowds and still suck donkey balls.
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Old 10-11-2016, 09:59 PM   #14
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The election is best summed up like the super bowl- your favorite team can sell out every week, but no matter what that team will never have ratings like a super bowl game where everyone watches the game even if they haven't watch one stinking game all season. Large numbers of people will show up for this election mostly in Clintons favor there's just too many people who don't thinks he needs to be our President.
The irony is any of the other candidates would have defeated Clinton but likewise any other democrat would have destroyed trump.
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Old 10-11-2016, 10:05 PM   #15
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
The election is best summed up like the super bowl- your favorite team can sell out every week, but no matter what that team will never have ratings like a super bowl game where everyone watches the game even if they haven't watch one stinking game all season. Large numbers of people will show up for this election mostly in Clintons favor there's just too many people who don't thinks he needs to be our President.
The irony is any of the other candidates would have defeated Clinton but likewise any other democrat would have destroyed trump.
You're stupid, Lubed Wide-ass. Sports fans have very, very little influence over what happens on the field, Lubed Wide-ass. Trump's fans made the additional effort to attend his rallies, and showing up at the polls to vote is a damn sight easier than dealing with congested parking and security screening at a political rally, Lubed Wide-ass. They will show up to vote for Trump, Lubed Wide-ass.
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