Go away Lube
Allowing myself to continue to be subjected to practices that are not in keeping with the true Conservative Goals and that devalue myself as both an individual and a republican are not acceptable.
I have brought concerns to the attention of my friends, the MODS, and even the Republican National Chairman on more than one occasion. Issues raised have been repeatedly ignored-specifically in these forums. Less than equitable practices have been repeatedly excused. I have been accused of stolen valor, people ridicule my weight, medical conditions and a legitimate injury suffered during a war while defending the country I love. If either were to be acknowledged and addressed, the status quo would have to change – but there are just too many people that are comfortable and invested in mediocrity. Too many self-serving individuals. Too much organizational effort expended deflecting accountability at the expense of those having the least input and influence. It's members like Dalilama, Lexus Lover, Bambino, CuteOldGuy, LustyLad, I B Hankering, IIFFOFRDB, The Waco Kid, Rey Laguna, R.M, gfejunkie, gary5912, JD Barleycorn and MrMojoRisin are the real culprits who have no intent other than to stir the daily ECCIE shit pot. I even cordially pm'ed some of those guys to stop their aloofness and to debate in a more humane manner. It obviously fell on deaf ears.
An organization that does not care for its members cannot be expected to have respect for its members (and vice versa).
I can either conform to the least common denominator or separate myself from it and pursue other opportunities. I elect the later while I am in good standing so there can be no question and I will be casting my vote for Clinton.
This is my resignation and two week notice…effective immediately. I will no longer participate in any political discussion for the next two weeks after which time I will have the MODS to deactivate or cancel my account I do not wish to be subjected to further intimidation, abuse, and retaliation; staying out of this forum is the only way to minimize this from happening. If only I hadn’t turned 60…
Good Riddance. My only regrets are believing the Republican party stood for what it represented itself to be, trusting internal check and balance processes, and believing I could make a difference.