In a recent thread, one member asked for opinions on whether board members should be allowed to reinvent themselves and return. I didn't speak up in that particular thread because I was too busy to respond with the amount of attention I believe it warranted, and before I could respond, the thread was locked.
First, I will say that I believe anyone should be allowed to reinvent themselves on the board, provided they go about it properly. Disable or Guest their old account, and return as whatever they'd like to be. I did the exact same thing last year for reasons having nothing to do with the board, and I know others who have done the same. I see no harm in it.
That said, I do believe that if a board member has a history of alert-worthy behavior, has leaked private information, or is known to harass and threaten to "out" other board members, they should not be allowed to return to the board under a new incarnation. Why? The answer is simple. If we are not allowed to connect one board handle to another board handle when there is definitive proof that the two members are the same (i.e., old photos being used by the new incarnation), then there is nothing to prevent someone from coming back and wreaking havoc on the board (or in someone else's personal life) again.
When the senior mods have been made aware of misconduct by a board member via forwarded emails, PMs and testimony by respected board members, and they not only allow that person to return, but put a moratorium on anyone "outing" that member by connecting his or her old identity to the new one, I can't help but question what's going on behind the scenes.
I know for a fact that when I returned as Natalie Reign, there was locker room talk about my prior identity, and the gentlemen were talking about who I was prior to my return. I know this because several people who contacted me mentioned that they only found out I was back because of a thread in the locker room. I didn't mind that at all. Why? Because I had nothing to hide. My prior identity was well-respected, I posted in the same tone, and I didn't have any board "drama" attached to my name, aside from my frequent verbal battles with Whispers.
Why, if someone isn't trying to hide their past behavior from prospective new ladies or clients, would they care about an old board
handle being connected to a new board
handle? As far as I can see, there is no violation of rules in that case.
Forum Guideline #5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.
Based on my interpretation of Forum Guideline #5 alone, which was the rule quoted in the aforementioned thread, the only instance in which discussion of someone's identity on the board is a punishable offense, is one in which
real-world or personal information is connected to a username (handle), to include
real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. From what I can see in the thread, none of those personal details were ever mentioned, or even hinted at in the thread in question.
It is the board owners' prerogative, and responsibility, to define the rules of the forum and see that they are followed in the manner they desire.
However, I don't see how it's effective, or fair, to use specific guidelines to moderate threads and issue punishments when the guideline(s) being cited are not even applicable to the situation at hand.
What I'm seeing is akin to a police officer writing someone a ticket for running a red light, when the only actual ticketable offense was that the driver's passenger side headlight was burned out.
Beyond all of that, when senior moderators do have proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a specific board member has threatened/harassed another board member, said
in writing that they knew the other board member's
real name, address and make and model of vehicle, and threatened to "out" the other board member on the board, or even to LE, and
those same moderators allow the misbehaving board member to return as another incarnation and refuse to allow anyone to connect the dots, it makes me question how much the board actually cares about the safety or privacy of any of its members, male or female.
I know for a fact that a specific board member has been contacting other board members to find my home address, and other personal information about me. And I know for a fact that someone has loose lips, because that person definitely knows where I live. Do I have any hope at all that the senior moderators care about the obvious danger this board member presents to me and others? No.
If ECCIE seeks to use its forum guidelines to protect the privacy of its members, then it should amend those guidelines to include any additional information that is off-limits for discussion. And, its senior moderators/owners should be prepared to deal "swiftly and harshly" with any member that violates the privacy of others as defined in the guidelines... not just the ones that are irritating.