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Old 10-02-2016, 01:39 PM   #1
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Default OK, I concede....


I have made it clear over the past half year that I despise Clinton. That I think she is an evil psychopathic person. I kept expecting and hoping that the Reps would put up anyone sane and crush her.

But no, they find a true buffoon who spends more energy looking and acting like a spoiled brat than a presidential candidate. OK, well maybe he will still be able to stop the she-devil from being elected. I had my doubts but I kept hoping. Now I have officially given up hope. He really is a stupid idiot when it comes to the interpersonal skills needed to win

I concede. We will have four years of the most evil president ever. Hopefully the Reps can put someone up in 2020 who isn't an incompetent clown.

"MANHEIM, Pa. — Donald Trump's campaign announced Saturday evening that the candidate would soon deliver a nine-sentence critique of comments Hillary Clinton made months ago about many of the millennials supporting her primary rival, Bernie Sanders.*It was an attempt to latch onto a new headline in hopes of finally escaping the controversies that had consumed his week.

It didn’t work.

It took Trump nearly 25 minutes to read the brief statement because he kept going off on one angry tangent after another —*ignoring his teleprompters and accusing Clinton of not being “loyal” to her husband I suspect almost no undecided voter cares about that--the Thumpers are already in his pocket, and he doesn't understand that there aren't enough of them to win, imitating her buckling at a memorial service last month, incapable or unwilling to learn that being a perceived bully doesn't help suggesting that she is “crazy” and saying she should be in prison Where was that valid point on the debate?. He urged his mostly*white crowd Check the demographics Moron--when you alienate the non-whites, and can't capture anything remotely approaching 100% of the white vote that should be a clue that your race-centered marketing is doomed to failure.of supporters to go to polling places in "certain areas" on Election Day to "watch" the voters there. Just what does he propose? Let's talk in bigot code. Let's tell the supporters to do what--stare at a building? Act like the black New Black Panther thugs many of you rightfully decry? He also*repeatedly complained about having a "bum mic" at the first presidential debate Odd, did the bad mic cause him to bungle the debate and lose his temper? Did it make him forget to attack Clinton on key issues? Odd, I could hear what he said--too bad it was the wrong stuff.and wondered if he should have done another season of “The Apprentice.” Yea, THAT will win voters! Gag!

As Trump ranted*in this rural Pennsylvania town, The New York Times reported it had*anonymously received Trump’s 1995 income tax returns, which*show he declared a loss of $916 million -- a loss that he could use*to avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.Portray yourself once again as really rich and smarter than the masses because you find loopholes to not pay taxes or people. Nothing wrong with using the tax code to your advantage, but instead of being up front with it, he tries to hide it. Instead of spinning it as best as he can he waits for the scumbag opponent to leak it and he looks far worse. Was he so stupid or naïve to think that Clinton WOULDN'T get it released one way or another?
The evening capped*one of*Trump's worst weeks of the campaign season, one that started with his shaky debate performance on Monday night and went on to include a public feud with a former beauty queen, a middle-of-the-night tweet storm, attacks on the Clintons' marriage and an examination of an decades-old adult film that briefly featured Trump*fully clothed.

The rally started more than an hour and 40 minutes late because heavy fog delayed Trump’s arrival. His supporters grew tired of his looping musical playlist, at one point chanting: “Turn it off! Turn it off!”

When*Trump finally took the stage, it was clear that he was worked up about something as he quickly rushed through his usual talking points. He read the first sentence of the prepared statement: “A new audio tape that has surfaced —*just yesterday —*from another one of Hillary’s high-roller fundraisers shows her demeaning and mocking Bernie Sanders and all of his supporters.”
Rather than continuing, Trump demeaned and mocked Sanders himself, That's right, Moron. Hit Clinton with a valid point and then demonstrate that you are no different! What an egotistical jerk who is obviously incapable of learningsaying that he has “a much bigger movement than Bernie Sanders ever had” and that he has “much bigger crowds than Bernie Sanders ever had.” Trump*accused Sanders of tarnishing his legacy by making a “deal with the devil” and supporting Clinton.
“Crazy Bernie,” Trump said at one point.

Eventually, Trump read a few more sentences, telling the audience that Clinton had described Sanders supporters as “living in their parents’ basements” and being trapped in dead-end jobs. Clinton made these comments more than seven months ago and seemed to sympathize with millennials who supported Sanders, although Republicans have tried to frame the remarks as an attack on young voters.
“In a really sarcastic tone because she’s a sarcastic woman,” Trump dryly said, going off-script.
He resumed his scripted spot: “To sum up…”
But he interrupted himself: “And I’ll tell you the other thing: She’s an incompetent woman. And I’ve seen it. She’s an incompetent woman.”
Halfway through the statement, Trump*took a nearly 20-minute-long break to cover a range of topics, THAT will convince the undecided voters that you have your act together! Sure. It makes you look even more like a clueless Buffoon. Are you TRYING to lose? I really suspect that is the case when I see a supposedly smart person be such an incompetent who has no clue where the fight actually is.including these:
— He reflected on how his movement has “the smartest people… the sharpest people… the most amazing people.” He said the pundits — “most of them aren’t worth the ground they’re standing on, some of that ground could be fairly wealthy ground” — have never seen a phenomenon like this.That is clearly true. We have never had such a pair of abject loses to pick between.
— He asked that the crowd if they are proud of President Obama, and they answered with a booming: “No!”
— He told the crowd to get a group of friends together on Election Day, vote and then go to “certain areas” and “watch” the voters there. "I hear too many bad stories, and we can't lose an election because of you know what I'm talking about,” Trump said. “So, go and vote and then go check out areas because a lot of bad things happen, and we don't want to lose for that reason.”
He declared that he won Monday night’s debate Delusional! Admit you kept it close, acknowledge you had some good moments, especially early, but you LOST. Telling clear untruths is another way NOT to sway the undecided. Don't try and convince the middle ground that you are as big a liar as Clinton! Honesty should be one of the points you could win on, but not if you keep saying such blatant falsehoods. Moron!even though he had a “bum mic.” He asked the crowd if they think that “maybe that was done on purpose.” They cheered.
— He recounted how the “dopes at CNN” and “phony pundits” refused to acknowledge how well he was doing during the primaries. “Then we started getting 52 percent, 58 percent, 66 percent, 78 percent, 82 percent," Really? He has a clear majority? Not a majority, but a landslide beyond all imagining! More delusional lies when that is the last thing he needs.Trump said, not making clear what those numbers mean. "And they just didn’t understand what was going on.”
— He said Clinton could not fight bad trade deals or Russian President Vladimir Putin because “she can't make it 15 feet to her car,” alluding to video that showed*Clinton buckling as she unexpectedly left a 9/11 memorial service early. Suggestion: don't use Putin as the example. You don't exactly come across as "tough on the Russians". You could use China, NK, Iran--and make the same point but do so a little more believably.Her doctor later said she had pneumonia. Trump then imitated Clinton by flailing his arms and jostling side to side. He walked unsteadily away from the podium as if he were about to fall over. “Folks, we need stamina,” Trump said. “We need energy.”
— He claimed that he has a “winning temperament” while Clinton has “bad temperament.” Trump continued: “She could be crazy. She could actually be crazy.”
Trump read one more sentence of the statement and accused Clinton of saying that “most of the country is racist” because she said at the debate that “implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just police.”
“Did anybody like Lester Holt?” Trump said, naming the debate moderator as his crowd booed.
Trump read one more sentence of the statement, then brought up Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
“She should be in prison, let me tell you,” Trump said. “She should be in prison.”
The crowd cheered and chanted: “Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!”
“And she’s being totally protected by The New York Times and The Washington Post and all of the media and CNN — Clinton News Network, which nobody is watching anyways so what difference does it make,” Trump said.
Trump accused Clinton of “lies and lies.”
“How many people have acid-washed or bleached a tweet?” Trump asked the crowd. “How many? That you deleted? So you deleted it but that’s not good enough. No, this is getting crazy. Our country is becoming a third-world country.”
Trump read the final sentence of the statement but by that point, he had overshadowed his campaign’s planned headline with numerous other ones. And he kept adding to the list.
Trump called Clinton a “lousy speaker” and accused her of giving away the jobs of hardworking Pennsylvanians to please her donors.
“You’re unsuspecting,” Trump said. “Right now, you say to your wife: ‘Let’s go to a movie after Trump.’ But you won’t do that because you’ll be so high and so excited that no movie is going to satisfy you. Okay? No movie. You know why? Honestly? Because they don’t make movies like they used to — is that right?” Really? THIS is the way to win votes--by saying they don't make movies like they used to? Wretch!
Trump yelled*at the media to show his crowd, which he said would make for “better television,” pledged*to win Pennsylvania and*called*supporters of international trade “blood suckers.”How many people have made more profit off international trade than Trump? Some topics are good for the message, others are not. For Trump, this is another self-induced poison pill.
“Oh, I could be doing the ‘Apprentice’ right now,” Trump said at one point, seeming to harken back to a happier time in his life. “I loved it — 14 seasons. How good was that? Tremendous success. They wanted to extend — I could be doing the ‘Apprentice’ now. Somehow I think this is a little bit more important. Do we agree? Just a little bit?”
As he spoke, dozens of people left the rally early, tired from*standing for hours and hoping to beat the traffic. Those who remained*leaned against walls, barricades and each other. One woman rubbed her knees. Another took a phone call: “I’m still here… He started an hour and a half late… I’ll call you whenever we get out of here.”
“I didn’t need to do this, folks,” Trump said of his candidacy. “Believe me. This is tough work… This is hard work. Believe me, folks. This is hard work.”
Trump told the crowd he’s beholden to his supporters and no one else.
“Hillary Clinton’s only loyalty is to her financial contributors and to herself,” Trump said. “I don’t even think she’s loyal to Bill, if you want to know the truth.”
The crowd gasped and many shouted: “Ohhhhh!”
Trump shrugged.
“And really, folks,” Trump continued, “really, why should she be? Right? Why should she be?”
He questioned how the Clintons earned so many tens of millions of dollars. He told a guy in the crowd he loved him even though he’s a guy. He pursed his lips as his supporters interrupted him with another “lock her up” chant. He reminded everyone that Bill Clinton was impeached because “everyone forgets.” He accused the media of allowing Clinton to “get away with murder.” He said African Americans will vote for him because he will fix their impoverished, dangerous neighborhoods that are “worse than war zones.” This COULD be a point he could make some progress on--too bad the color of his audience, the lack of any believable empathy, the lack of specifics, and stupid comments like "go to "some neighborhoods" to make sure "they" don't steal the election" don't make him sound very believable.
“People walk to the office, they walk to get a loaf of bread, they get shot, their child gets shot,” Trump said.
He rattled off some campaign promises —taxes, energy, coal, farms — and then paused to note the upcoming 10th anniversary of the mass shooting at an Amish schoolhouse here in Lancaster County that left five girls dead.
“Tonight when you say your prayers, I ask you to remember those five young beautiful girls and their families,” Trump said. “Another issue we’re going to deal with is in certain ways so important. But when I tell you about what I just did, that is a special group of people. So say prayers, please. Okay? Just remember those people and what they went through.”
It had seemed as if Trump was about to talk about gun control measures — which he has sharply opposed — but then stopped himself. Later in the speech he would praise the leaders of the NRA and promise to protect the 2nd Amendment.
He shifted back to trade and jobs moving overseas, repeating himself from earlier. And he complained again about his “bad mic” at the debate and “this character Lester Holt” who corrected him more than Clinton.
“You have 38 days to make every dream you ever dreamed for your country come true,” Trump said. “Do not let this opportunity slip away or be wasted. You will never ever have this chance again. Not going to happen again… You have one magnificent chance.”
Trump said he was finishing up but he kept going for seven more minutes. He congratulated himself on predicting the Brexit vote. He plugged a speech his daughter Ivanka Trump is giving in the state next week. He listed endorsements. He pointed at an American flag on stage. And he complained about Clinton’s “false” commercials.
“We are going to make America wealthy again,” Trump said*as he wrapped up. “We are going to make America strong again. We are going to make America powerful again. We are going to make America safe again. And we are going to make America great again.”
Trump thanked and blessed the crowd, pumped his fist in the air and then stepped aside to join them*in applauding his speech.
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:56 PM   #2
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I just want a reasonable well thought out emotionless explanation on why and how she's evil. I'd prefer to not hear the same ole political talking points about email servers and Benhazi. Give me some tangible shit on why she's evil otherwise it's just another typical far right rant. Emails and Bengahzi are subjective political points. Show me evil actions she's done that doesn't have a partisan bent.
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:09 PM   #3
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Her behavior with the e-mails IS evil
--lying by omission and by "forgetting"
--making it clear to minions what she wanted sent to her, though against both regs and reasonable protection, then throwing THEM under the bus saying they weren't marked BECAUSE SHE TOLD THEM TO STRIP OFF THE MARKINGS
--pretending she didn't realize what was highly classified and what put human lives at risk

Yes, people have used the e-mail issue as a political argument, but it is also a moral one. Blaming her minions for doing what she insisted, and either knowingly or through gross negligence causing the deaths of people is evil. Leaking critical technology that will put US lives at risk for literally decades because she didn't want to be inconvenienced is evil.

The other parts are personal observations of things during her elected positions.
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:22 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Her behavior with the e-mails IS evil
--lying by omission and by "forgetting"
--making it clear to minions what she wanted sent to her, though against both regs and reasonable protection, then throwing THEM under the bus saying they weren't marked BECAUSE SHE TOLD THEM TO STRIP OFF THE MARKINGS
--pretending she didn't realize what was highly classified and what put human lives at risk

Yes, people have used the e-mail issue as a political argument, but it is also a moral one. Blaming her minions for doing what she insisted, and either knowingly or through gross negligence causing the deaths of people is evil. Leaking critical technology that will put US lives at risk for literally decades because she didn't want to be inconvenienced is evil.

The other parts are personal observations of things during her elected positions.

I see so as I said Emails and Benghazi = Evil and Satan. I swear you folks crack me up. Vote ignorance by voting Trump it's your right. I'm just hoping there's enough reasonable thinking people left in America to not give it up to a man who's inept, insane, temperamentally and intellectually unqualifed for the job.
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:31 PM   #5
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:34 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
I just want a reasonable well thought out emotionless explanation on why and how she's evil. I'd prefer to not hear the same ole political talking points about email servers and Benhazi. Give me some tangible shit on why she's evil otherwise it's just another typical far right rant. Emails and Bengahzi are subjective political points. Show me evil actions she's done that doesn't have a partisan bent.
you may soon get your answer.


‘Wednesday Hillary Clinton Is Done’: Reports Julian Assange’s Announcement On Tuesday Will Finish Her


Sissy, you might find how many comments warn Assange about getting shot standing on that balcony. would Clinton have the kind of unmitigated gall to assassinate him while he stands at the Ecuadoran Embassy? that depends on how much "dirt" he might really have ahahaha and only she knows how many skeletons she has.

of course the material will still come out, if between now and any announcement Assange, like many Clinton enemies and quite a few supposed "friends" dies suddenly. Now at least, he probably couldn't be in a more untouchable spot, the Ecuadoran Embassy. Lucky him.
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:40 PM   #7
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well then you better not let them pins and needles you'll be sitting on prick you in the ass. lol
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Old 10-02-2016, 04:06 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
I see so as I said Emails and Benghazi = Evil and Satan. I swear you folks crack me up. Vote ignorance by voting Trump it's your right. I'm just hoping there's enough reasonable thinking people left in America to not give it up to a man who's inept, insane, temperamentally and intellectually unqualifed for the job.

I will leave Benghazi to others to discuss--but just because you want to caveat out the e-mails, they are what they are. Just because something gets politicized doesn't mean it isn't fundamentally wrong and in this case it is. How do you justify her actions on that and say they were proper? The consequences of what she did not protect are very serious and long lasting. The Iranian who was executed is only a small piece of the damage, and not one of the biggest problems--except to him of course.

The other data points are watching how she treats people, how she grossly "misinterprets" information, made decisions not in the nation's best interests but in her best interests. Repeatedly removing solid good people and replacing them with yes-men and handing out appointment favors to people not nearly as qualified as they should be for the importance of the positions they were put into.

They are BOTH unqualified, just in different ways.
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Old 10-02-2016, 04:06 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Her behavior with the e-mails IS evil
--lying by omission and by "forgetting"
--making it clear to minions what she wanted sent to her, though against both regs and reasonable protection, then throwing THEM under the bus saying they weren't marked BECAUSE SHE TOLD THEM TO STRIP OFF THE MARKINGS
--pretending she didn't realize what was highly classified and what put human lives at risk

Yes, people have used the e-mail issue as a political argument, but it is also a moral one. Blaming her minions for doing what she insisted, and either knowingly or through gross negligence causing the deaths of people is evil. Leaking critical technology that will put US lives at risk for literally decades because she didn't want to be inconvenienced is evil.

The other parts are personal observations of things during her elected positions.

Well come to the Bright-side of the Road, Brother!

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Old 10-02-2016, 04:14 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post

I will leave Benghazi to others to discuss--but just because you want to caveat out the e-mails, they are what they are. Just because something gets politicized doesn't mean it isn't fundamentally wrong and in this case it is. How do you justify her actions on that and say they were proper? The consequences of what she did not protect are very serious and long lasting. The Iranian who was executed is only a small piece of the damage, and not one of the biggest problems--except to him of course.

The other data points are watching how she treats people, how she grossly "misinterprets" information, made decisions not in the nation's best interests but in her best interests. Repeatedly removing solid good people and replacing them with yes-men and handing out appointment favors to people not nearly as qualified as they should be for the importance of the positions they were put into.

They are BOTH unqualified, just in different ways.

How old are you? You're parroting politics 101 from the very beginning of time. The email issue was probably one of bad judgement but not nearly as bad or even remotely measure up to other political blunders such as the Iraq war, Sub-Prime lending, Iran Contra, Amnesty by Reagan, etc etc so please spare me the political moral speech concerning the emails. The real issue you have with her is one that some people aren't afraid to admit and it's the fact she's a woman. Guys from your era have a real problem with the fact she's a woman and many have told me so. So I'm guessing that's your real issue. Don't take an issue like an email issue and try to elevate it to World War status. If it was the blood thirsty republicans would have done more with it except be mad about it.
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Old 10-02-2016, 04:20 PM   #11
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Go FUCK yourself 0zombie scum...

Money Laundering Scheme Exposed: 14 Pro-Clinton Super PACs & Non-Profits Implicated

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by Tyler Durden
Sep 21, 2016 7:25 AM
Submitted by Andrew Kerr via The Citizens Audit,

This is serious.
David Brock operates over a dozen pro-Clinton organizations from his office in Washington DC.
Uncovered records expose a constant flow of money between his organizations.
Brock’s unregistered Professional Solicitor, the Bonner Group, receives a 12.5% cut every time money is moved.
There’s a reason why David Brock chooses to house an unregistered Professional Solicitor in his office to raise money for his conglomerate of Super PACs and non-profits.

Professional Solicitors are required to disclose their active solicitation contracts. Brock wants his unregistered solicitor, the Bonner Group, to keep their client list hidden for a very specific reason.

David Brock is laundering money
David Brock has 7 non-profits, 3 Super PACs, one 527-committee, one LLC, one joint fundraising committee, and one unregistered solicitor crammed into his office in Washington DC.

Uncovered records expose a constant flow of money between these organizations.

The Bonner Group, his professional solicitor, works off a commission. Every time money gets passed around, Bonner receives a 12.5% cut.

Follow the money
Nonprofits are required to disclose who they give cash grants to.

But they aren’t required to disclose who gave them cash grants.

This weak system of one way verification is being abused by Brock. He’s been cycling money between his organizations for years, and the Bonner Group’s 12.5% commission gets triggered after every pass.

In 2014, Media Matters for America raised $10,021,188.

The Bonner Group was credited for raising these funds. Media Matters paid them a $1,147,882 commission.

Want more read this... http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-0...its-implicated

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Old 10-02-2016, 04:21 PM   #12
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this election can't come fast enough time for you ground hogs to go back into hiding. lol
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Old 10-02-2016, 04:23 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
this election can't come fast enough time for you ground hogs to go back into hiding. lol

Sissy, he's made his mind up... Old-T choose Freedom over Tyranny... 38 days Baby!

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Old 10-02-2016, 04:25 PM   #14
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^ lol I'm good with that. I'm pretty sure he's not in a swing state to make a difference so I can feel better about it. lol
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Old 10-02-2016, 04:54 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
The real issue you have with her is one that some people aren't afraid to admit and it's the fact she's a woman.
There it is, folks! Sissy Chap is already tapping out again! Can't refute anyone but he sure knows how to play the WOMAN card!

Is that LIMP or what? And to think the DNC actually pays him for this???
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