Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
and as for the lives lost during the civil war? the only lives worth losing are the lives of those who died trying to preserve slavery. Those fighting for freedom shouldn't have died at all and I wish there was a way they could have killed those wanting to keep slavery while preserving their own lives. That's the moral view to have.
It would have been nice if we could have stopped Nazi, Facist, and Imperial Japanese Aggresion between 1938 and 1946 without one life being lost.
Some things are so evil that the only way to stop it is to be willing to put ones self in harms way.
Of the hundreds, and hundreds of thousands of American Soldiers who fought to end slavery, how many do you think even had any personal knowledge of it?
The decision was made that the abomination of slavery had to end. The decision was made that the Union had to be preserved.
It was worth the ultimate sacrifice by these men. Now we want to cheapen that sacrifice by cutting a check.
Fine. Do it. Then get on with life.