Originally Posted by bambino
On Dr Oz no less. He will capture a huge audience. I'm sure he knows the results are positive already. Clinton will prolly watch from her bed receiving IV fluids. She'll throw the remote at the television!!!!!
She's not strong enough to even reach the TV.
BTW: Treatment for pneumonia:
" You likely will not have to go to the hospital
unless you:
Are older than 65.
other health problems, such as COPD, heart failure, asthma, diabetes, long-term (chronic) kidney failure, or chronic liver disease.
Cannot care for yourself or would not be able to tell anyone if your symptoms got worse.
Have severe illness that reduces the amount of oxygen getting to your tissues.
Have chest pain caused by inflammation of the lining of the lung (pleurisy) so you are not able to cough up mucus effectively and clear your lungs.
Are being treated outside a hospital and are not getting better (such as your shortness of breath not improving).
Are not able to eat or keep food down, so you need to take fluids through a vein (intravenous).
Emails, Slush Fund, Medical Condition.