Leaving Midland/Odessa Early
If we have chatted during this trip then you know my plan was
to stay in Midland/Odessa for 30 days. I will be leaving about a
week early. Tuesday I will be heading out to San Antonio.I had a
great time catching up with old friends and making some new!
I plan to return around late October early November! My future visits
will not be as long but I will be back! I mean, this is one of my favorite spots!
Hello El Paso

I know I have been teasing you gentlemen for quite
some time. I think it has been about 3 years since my last visit.
Good news, there is a visit in the near future! I am trying to get some
things in order before I post my actual dates but I
am finally coming.
This will be a short and sweet stop, one, two days max!
Lubbock, you guys are not far behind El Paso! I have to make my way
back west but on my return in a couple weeks you will be right on my
path back to San Antonio. I will post a prebook ad when I know the dates.
I will just be stopping for a day or so, so don't miss out!
Amarillo and Abilene, I would love to make it out to you guys
Haven't quite figured out when but I will make it happen at some