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Now I want to point out not all republicans are racist, but this is a major reason why we lose big in November. It's been said several times that in most elections you can safely say 40 percent will vote Democrat and 40 percent will vote Republican, but the 20 percent remaining is the key.
Well the 20 percent remaining are you typically educated voter who would distance him/herself from the racist rhetoric seen in this video and at Trump rallies.
Trump and the gOP will never win until they distance themselves from the over 40 white male voter. Gov Kasich would have been the best choice to defeat Hilary.
Now I want to point out not all republicans are racist, but this is a major reason why we lose big in November. It's been said several times that in most elections you can safely say 40 percent will vote Democrat and 40 percent will vote Republican, but the 20 percent remaining is the key.
Well the 20 percent remaining are you typically educated voter who would distance him/herself from the racist rhetoric seen in this video and at Trump rallies.
Trump and the gOP will never win until they distance themselves from the over 40 white male voter. Gov Katich would have been the best choice to defeat Hilary.
These are your dick-sucking, anti-American bedfellows, Lubed Wide-ass.
These are your dick-sucking, anti-American bedfellows, Lubed Wide-ass.
They are Trash too, but the key difference is are that a Clinton rally? I assure you they are not Clinton supporters- big differences there pal- your photo is no different from someone posting an image of the KKK- who typically vote republican.
If you want to be fair post photos of anti-american images displayed at a Clinton rally.
They are Trash too, but the key difference is are that a Clinton rally? I assure you they are not Clinton supporters- big differences there pal- your photo is no different from someone posting an image of the KKK- who typically vote republican.
If you want to be fair post photos of anti-american images displayed at a Clinton rally.
Here's some more of those dick-sucking *patriots* you're bedfellows with, Lubed Wide-ass
Let me try one more time I B this time I will increase the font size so you can comprehend- It's not very difficult.
Show where Trump sent any provocateurs to a Clinton rally, Lubed Wide-ass, you know, the ones instigating discord by shouting racist insults at Trump supporters, Lubed Wide-ass. Show where Trump did what the hildebeest crew did, Lubed Wide-ass.
Let me try one more time I B this time I will increase the font size so you can comprehend- It's not very difficult.
Save your fingers--this is IBMoron you are dealing with. He sees no point in truth if it doesn't serve is ends. He has no difficulty with flat out lies, so he certainly doesn't think twice about crap like misleading photos.
And he is far to deep into his delusions to realize that he doesn't get to make the rules on how people vote. He would like to think he does, but as with most things in the universe he is wrong. As has been the theme all week, people who despise Clinton, shudder at the thought of her winning, and get ill at the thought of a one-major-party status by default are telling him (and the other RWWs) WHY the Reps keep losing the presidential popularity. But he is much too dense to listen, much to filled with unbridled hate to absorb.
It is people like IB, IIFFy, etc., who are handing control of the country to exactly the people they despise.
But somehow they will find a way come December to blame the media, the rotten tricks Dems, the 50,000,000 fraudulent voters, the Hispanics having the audacity to take Trump's comments personally, and a hundred more absurd excuses. Everything but the real reason: the RWWs hijacked the Rep party and doused a can of gasoline over their party's head and lit it.
There is an infinitesimally small chance that you can talk a modicum of sense into IB, but you have a better chance of winning the lottery 100 times in a row.
Lube_Job is just a Troll. Actually he is/was one of our guys. Sick fucks amongst us... Ignore is a great option... Old-Trollop a garden hose is good enough...
Lube_Job is just a Troll. Actually he is/was one of our guys. Sick fucks amongst us... Ignore is a great option... Old-Trollop a garden hose is good enough...
Honestly you embarrass every reasonable conservative. You can't show a photo from a Clinton rally where people are spewing racial insults because that type of crap only happens at Trump rallies and that's fact.
You think by posting pics of some assholes stepping on a Flag that I am going to assume it had a Clinton rally or that they are Clinton supporters? More than likely those assholes don't support any candidate. You look stupid and desperate I B because you can accept the Truth and Old-T said it perfectly.
Save your fingers--this is IBMoron you are dealing with. He sees no point in truth if it doesn't serve is ends. He has no difficulty with flat out lies, so he certainly doesn't think twice about crap like misleading photos.
And he is far to deep into his delusions to realize that he doesn't get to make the rules on how people vote. He would like to think he does, but as with most things in the universe he is wrong. As has been the theme all week, people who despise Clinton, shudder at the thought of her winning, and get ill at the thought of a one-major-party status by default are telling him (and the other RWWs) WHY the Reps keep losing the presidential popularity. But he is much too dense to listen, much to filled with unbridled hate to absorb.
It is people like IB, IIFFy, etc., who are handing control of the country to exactly the people they despise.
But somehow they will find a way come December to blame the media, the rotten tricks Dems, the 50,000,000 fraudulent voters, the Hispanics having the audacity to take Trump's comments personally, and a hundred more absurd excuses. Everything but the real reason: the RWWs hijacked the Rep party and doused a can of gasoline over their party's head and lit it.
There is an infinitesimally small chance that you can talk a modicum of sense into IB, but you have a better chance of winning the lottery 100 times in a row.
You'd be the wine sotted drunkard who is the liar, Old-THUMPER, because each of those pictures depicts protesters expressing their anti-American sentiments at Trump events, Old-THUMPER. Hence, your expressed "opinion" is in no manner "fact"; it's a bald faced lie, Old-THUMPER. Go back to sucking on your bottles, Old-THUMPER.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
This says it all!!!!!
That would be right up your alley, Lubed Wide-ass.
Now I want to point out not all republicans are racist, but this is a major reason why we lose big in November. It's been said several times that in most elections you can safely say 40 percent will vote Democrat and 40 percent will vote Republican, but the 20 percent remaining is the key.
Well the 20 percent remaining are you typically educated voter who would distance him/herself from the racist rhetoric seen in this video and at Trump rallies.
Trump and the gOP will never win until they distance themselves from the over 40 white male voter. Gov Kasich would have been the best choice to defeat Hilary.
Kasich would have met the same fate Romney & McCain did. they are cut from the same cloth. - progressive birds of feather -
You'd be the wine sotted drunkard who is the liar, Old-THUMPER, because each of those pictures depicts protesters expressing their anti-American sentiments at Trump events, Old-THUMPER. Hence, your expressed "opinion" is in no manner "fact"; it's a bald faced lie, Old-THUMPER. Go back to sucking on your bottles, Old-THUMPER.
You ignorant asshole- my video that I posted showed racist rhetoric by Trump supporters INSIDE his rally you dumb fuck. Please post a video of Clinton given a speech during a rally and people shouting racist and hateful epitaphs!!! You can't you dumb fucker because it's only happening at Trump rallies!!!!
Kasich would have met the same fate Romney & McCain did. they are cut from the cloth.
The race would have been much tighter with Katich because he's more to the middle than the other candidates. Romney's biggest mistake was kissing up to the TEA party in order to win the nomination when in reality Romney was never far right wing- so he had to back track on many issues and by the time the debates came it was too late. Romney, also had the economy on his side and he clearly one the first debate against Barry, but just couldn't seal the deal. Romney also had a good VP choice in Ryan.
Trump is still the same asshole he was in the primaries and continues to make major gaffes. Even with roughly 90 days to election, people have painted a picture of Trump and he's not going to clean up his act. He will be lucky to get 1 to 2 percent of independent voters.
I also thought he could have picked a better VP. Pence really doesn't help Trump gain any new voters.
You ignorant asshole- my video that I posted showed racist rhetoric by Trump supporters INSIDE his rally you dumb fuck. Please post a video of Clinton given a speech during a rally and people shouting racist and hateful epitaphs!!! You can't you dumb fucker because it's only happening at Trump rallies!!!!
Hey, you dick-sucking faggot, the hildebeest gangsters sent paid provocateurs to Trump rallies to violently provoke responses in kind, Lubed Wide-ass. Show where Trump did that, Lubed Wide-ass. The two clowns in this video wearing racially offensive KKK hoods and throwing racially obnoxious Hitler salutes are 100% dim-retard supporters like your faggotty-ass, Lubed Wide-ass. BTW, Lubed Wide-ass, notice how it's a black man that decks the wanna be KKK clown.