I'm sure this idea has been discussed before but I couldn't find it in a search.
Instead of just a "yes" or "no" recommendation at the end of a review, why not provide for a graduated rating system? The reviewer would be asked to assign a grade, say from (1)-to-(5) to the provider for "Appearance" and "Performance", (1) being low and (5) a high grade.
Since the grades would be subjective, and my grading for a particular provider might be a (3) and yours a (2), a second line could be added showing the average grades for that provider to date. After all, providers (and clients) have good and bad days!
For example, the review would end with:
This review rating - Appearance (4) Performance (5)
This providers average ratings - Appearance (3) Performance (4)
Other reviewing sites, such as
www.nightshift.co use similar systems.
So what's your idea for an improved system, or do you like the current one?