+1000 % I sure a lot of ladies have not put a plan in for the What IF
as being self employed person all my adult life you lean how to budget
as there my be a day or week or month where there no income
and some only make it form day to day or week to week
and that's fine for the short of it.. But you can make a lot if you plan out
and don't go crazy spending on over priced things witch all of us ladies love ...
and take that money you just spent on then 1500$ shoes that hurt your feet but hell they look so sexy on you when you leg up in the AIR!!
put it in savings or money market act or CD or something ..
Originally Posted by 8o88arker
This is what I would figure would be the smart option. Some though, I'm assuming here, make only enough for the short term. The long term is a whole other story. And let's be honest rainy day money doesn't last but for one rainy day. I'm not trying to bad mouth anyone here, just conversing.