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Old 05-05-2016, 01:23 PM   #1
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Default First week at eccie - very difficult!

My first week at eccie has been very hard, not because of the many nice guys I've met here (all of whom had a P411 account where I could verify them), but because of 30-40 people who have asked me to provide bareback services, or threatened to write bad reviews (without even seeing me first).

I've gotten more than 100+ texts asking me for bareback sex since I posted here the first time. Several people here texted me that they had many reviews and I better watch my attitude or they'll "review" me. One person asked me to visit for an overnight--in a tent. Another person asked me to visit Ft. Worth, when I told him I didn't travel that far, the person texted me numerous times offering to come to my place and drive me to Ft. Worth in his car--and promised that if I didn't like him he'd return me to my place.

Is this the typical experience at eccie for a new girl? Endless requests for bareback? Harrassing texts and emails? Threats of fake reviews?
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Old 05-05-2016, 01:34 PM   #2
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It probably is uncomfortable for a woman in the beginning. From what I read, some never get past being insulted or pissed when a potential customer makes a request. It's just a request or question.
The simple answer is "Just say no".
They are potential customers. You are a business. Each has the right to choose.

If it is a demand or threat of bad review for a turndown, you might want to head it off with a post in Coed. And in the girl's areas. Some guys think that since they are ready to spend money, they own the woman. There are A-holes everywhere. ECCIE is no exception.


BTW your avatar tells me that you could have a very appealing Showcase.
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Old 05-05-2016, 01:41 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Torito View Post
The simple answer is "Just say no".They are potential customers. You are a business. Each has the right to choose.
I agree of course, but my concern is when I'm screening someone and they ask for bareback or BBBJ or CIM and on and on that they might be law enforcement.

Btw, I'm right now being harassed in texts to my phone from someone who won't tell me who they are but who say that they have many reviews. In the text from a moment ago (the person has been texting non-stop) I was told that I sold my body and that my parents must be proud.
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Old 05-05-2016, 01:50 PM   #4
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Sorry for your bad week. I hope things get better. My first weeks at all my jobs I have ever had, weren't that great either.

There a lot of fine gents that don't hares speaks for weird things. I wouldn't meet someone in a tent. More power to them if that is their thing.

My First Week Troubles:
Toys R Us: computers are always going down.

Target: my boss told me I spent too long hanging and folding the women panties.

Kroger: my boss said I had too many complaints talking to people about condoms. I told them the REAL killer out there was sugar and salt. And to stop saying YOLO after they walked away.
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Old 05-05-2016, 01:52 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by La-Tinalyssa View Post
I agree of course, but my concern is when I'm screening someone and they ask for bareback or BBBJ or CIM and on and on that they might be law enforcement.
Sorry about your first impression, not all guys are blatant assholes.

Guys with any scruples, regardless of what the ask or request, will do so in a PM, and you can check out their handle for number of reviews, ect. and verify those reviews and all before you reply back. Also, those guys will not text or call without being screened by you first, to make sure he is not LE.

If a guy on Eccie says he has a p411 account/profile, ask him to send you a message on there with his handle and his cell number. Any guy who keeps his two handles separate, has something to hide and should not be trusted. Do not respond to text messages from numbers you do not know.

As far as a guy threatening you with a bad review cuz you will not meet his demands, it is just that, talk.
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Old 05-05-2016, 02:06 PM   #6
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Unfortunately that is exactly what to expect when you're new. People will constantly try to press you for things you're uncomfortable with because they think you are naive and are more likely to fall to peer pressure, a lot of newbies do. Never forget that, while most men here are typically very nice gentleman, YOU ARE ALWAYS IN CONTROL!! If you aren't comfortable doing something just say it. If you get a bad review from them, don't be afraid to comment back and straighten things out.

The reason why they ask you in PM too is because they know if they every asked that in public, all the reputable girls here would wring them a new one and would hands down jump down their throats! It's not just worth your health for a few dollars.

Us girls have to stick together. I got your back if you ever need anything honey
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Old 05-05-2016, 02:26 PM   #7
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Gotta have thick skin in this game.
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Old 05-05-2016, 02:59 PM   #8
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Free Suggestions (take em' or leave em')

Change your hobby phone number (since it is already out of the bag) and then don't give your new number to any guy until after he is screened to your satisfaction. Many, many ladies do this.

In your showcase, state how you want to be initially contacted. (eg, Contact me initially by pm or p411). Then ignore emails and texts that you do t know who they are from or you don't want to respond too.

Ask and share with the other providers in the Powder Room a list of "do not see" guys with the reasons why.

Safety, your comfort, providing great services and getting properly compensated should be your Number One Priorities. It's your business. You can ignore or respond to any communication (PM, email, text, phone calls) as you see fit. And, Always ignore the threatening ass hole fucktards and their drama. Then, laugh to yourself at their childish BS.

BTW: Many ladies skip Eccie and just use p411 b/c of the number of weirdos they had to ignore on Eccie.

USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION TO FIND AND READ POSTS BY AND ABOUT ANY PERSON/HANDLE. Also, check the guy's reviews and posted activities in his reviews to potentially get some other clues about him.

And re-read THN's advice in this thread. http://m.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1699657&highlight=
Which I found using search
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Old 05-05-2016, 03:13 PM   #9
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Just ignore those ass holes, stick to your menu, provide quality service, enjoy yourself, and you will do well....Just Do YOU ma
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Old 05-05-2016, 03:18 PM   #10
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Get a new number and only give it out after you screen and he sets an appointment. Request IMs via Eccie for first contact.

Delete messages that ask for services you don't offer.

Respond only to those that you want. Again, screen them. And even if they pass your screening don't give your number unless they want to schedule an appointment.

They may hook up with another girl by the time you screen them and then no longer want to schedule an appointment. They don't need your number.
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Old 05-05-2016, 03:37 PM   #11
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If the guys whom threatened bad reviews contacted you through pm PUT THEIR NAMES OUT RIGHT HERE. There will be no repercussions on you, if anything you'll get business from their POS tactics. They'll deny it of course but we'll all know.
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Old 05-05-2016, 03:53 PM   #12
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You're complaining but didn't state if you indeed provide bareback service. I will assume you do.

Reality - many of the girls here you're using for references are barebacking on the down low so blame the other ladies for encouraging this behavior.
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Old 05-05-2016, 06:11 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by La-Tinalyssa View Post
I agree of course, but my concern is when I'm screening someone and they ask for bareback or BBJ or CIM and on and on that they might be law enforcement.
Wait....so you don't do BBJ and CIM. Pftttt.

If you think guys who are asking for a BBJ and cum in mouth are LE, expect to have VERY few clients. I mean, WHAT THE FUCK?!?

How are we supposed to know if we can paint your face with jizz if we don't ask first?!?
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Old 05-05-2016, 06:54 PM   #14
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I agree with the idea of changing your hobby phone number, and then limiting initial contact thru Eccie or P411. Then if some guy threatens you with a bad review if you don't do such-and-such, disclose his handle here.

Bet that would cut down crap like that.
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Old 05-05-2016, 07:34 PM   #15
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Agreed. Don't post your number. Thanks for the mention, Invisible1
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