Since I'm working through having a cold this week (and yes, it's miserable and I need a hug!), I'm spending some time reading about sexuality and other type of books.
Most of us know that (many, if not most) men like to pollinate different flowers, if opportunity presents itself. And monogamy isn't a natural state for any animal, including humans, except for the Gibbons monkey* (and the humans who TRY to be a one woman man).
So how do you factor in
The Coolidge Effect with this world? Seems like they would be intertwined.
I'll go ahead and cut and paste a simple explanation of what this term means:
Basically the principal that men are more sexually attracted and aroused to new females after a certain amount of time. The term comes from an old joke according to which President Calvin Coolidge and his wife were at a government farm one day and were taken around on separate tours. Mrs. Coolidge, passing the chicken pens, inquired of a supervisor whether the lone rooster was sufficient, given the many hens in the chicken flock.
"Yes", the man said, "the rooster works very hard."
Mrs. Coolidge then asked, "Really? The rooster works very hard? Every day?"
"Oh, yes," the man said. "Dozens of times a day."
"Interesting!" Mrs. Coolidge replied, "Be sure to tell that to the President!"
Some time later the President, passing the same pens, was told about the roosters - and about his wife's remark. "Same hen every time?", he asked.
"Oh, no, a different one each time," the supervisor replied.
"Tell that," Coolidge said with a sly nod, "to Mrs. Coolidge."
The Coolidge comes into effect in the porno industry, where 'Fluffers' are used to get male porn stars erect before a scene, if they've been with the main actress so long.
-Urban Dictionary (Wiki was a bit more long winded with their explanation)
It has always just made sense that men like strange, which is why we have the term "strange." I've never known many men who didn't look at women walking by

, even if they are in a committed relationship.
Thought the term was an interesting one to consider and would appreciate additional opinions and thoughts on the matter.
*Info gleaned from the book,
Sex at Dawn.