Look at me! I'm starting another pointless thread! Offended? Fuck you (I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Come love me, spank my fat ass, finger my wet twat. I'm a cum thirsty Greek loving slut whore...ew no never mind. On with the thread!!)
Ok now on to me telling you my darkest secrets. Are you ready?
1. I don't smoke. I tried smoking once and almost coughed up a lung. My chest was on fire

I have cigarettes and the smoke smell. Problem is, everyone I hang around smokes! So my hair, clothes, shoes, even my suitcase and car smell like I smoke 3 packs a day! I may end up dying from lung cancer and I don't even touch the stuff.
How do you get rid of cigarette smell from your already clean clothes? Burn them?
2. I really am a bitch, just not to everyone. Some people I connect with, other piss me off to there I dream about them getting attacked by gold fish...or something.
3. I'm quiet. Very quiet. Most of the time I don't talk unless I'm forced to or the conversation is something I can elaborate on.
4. Socially awkward. Remember when I said I'm quiet? Yeah I'm also awkward. The only time I feel sexy or top shit is when a man has his dick in my mouth and making that "Oh damn!" face

Fuck me daddy, I'll be your little cum hungry slut whore
5. I spend most of my free time lurking, watching you all interact and learning how humans work. One day I shall write a thesis about the interactions of hookers and Johns (don't get offended, it's a joke)
6. I love traveling, and I mainly travel alone. The only time I have someone with me is when Ginger and I decide to go on a road trip. Or when I'm teamed up with another porn whore making videos on the road (they smoke too! Wtf is with all these smokers in my life? I DONT SMOKE I PROMISE!)
7. I try way too hard to get noticed (can't you tell?)
8. My obsession with bikers and midevial folklore is becoming dangerous (biker knights anyone?

9. I've only had 1 BoyBoyGirl 3 some with a red hair super cock named Thor (my god I love that man) and some long haired guy named Leo (no idea who he is but I guess he was cute...I don't know can't remember his face but I remember his dick)
10. I sometimes fall for assholes. Not the ones that think they're funny but the ones that truly don't give a shit about anything...except me of course
I could go on and on but then I'd be dipping into RL territory. Ask me anything...and I might answer it.