So it has been finally agreed upon that Verizon will get or has already the iPhone. I got an email from Verizon letting me know I can be put on a list to get the 4g iPhone that is released a day after my birthday (February 9th...that's right gents you have less than a month to buy me something

Hmm I have to say, I am one that has always wanted the iPhone after having a Blackberry and seeing that BB's really don't have a lot of apps! But I think I'll do a little more research with VZW contract before I make the purchase and lock my self into their service for another 2 years!
Like some of you, I am sure you have had to have phones brought into VZW for service, maintenance or w/e you wanna call it, I know that one of the reasons why VZW didn't get the contact with Apple was that VZW wanted to control when users had problems with it and give out their "wonderful" "like-new" phones. Yuck!
What do you think? Any of you tech savy people who are VZW loyal gonna get the iPhone? As for me, I am up in the air, I may just switch to AT&T at the end of my contact and get the iPhone through them.