Originally Posted by john_galt
Lets face it; neither side of the political spectrum likes people paying for their pleasure. The right because it is immoral (their idea) and the left because they want to control what you do. After all the left should embrace the whole idea of freedom if they were sincere but we know it is really all about control. Of course us constitutionalists tell you to go out and have a blast as long as you don't make anyone do something against their will.
The left doesn't give a shit what you do. They just don't want you to harm others, or make everyone have to pay for you dumb choices. For example: I don't care if you smoke cigarettes and give yourself cancer. That's your choice. But, if you want to enjoy that freedom at the cost of others getting cancer, getting sick, or even just smelling the smoke...no way. My freedom to breathe clean air trumps your freedom to pollute the air. Get your coat and go smoke outside in the wind and snow. I don't want to pay higher insurance costs so
my money can find it's way to paying
your hospital bills, either. (The rest of the left are cigarette or
(the site still has a zero tolerance policy for mentioning illegal substances - LaCrew) and want to control you even less.)
I suppose that I can label myself as a Constitutionalist if you can. It's a dumb term. I mean, isn't the Constitution the supreme law? And don't laws tell people what they can and cannot do? Gee, that sounds like a way to
control people. Of course you have to enforce the law by making people do what they don't want to do. JG, maybe you're just a
part-time Constitutionalist. You love the Constitution when you can use it as a tool to force people to do what you want them to do, and you propose amendments to that "perfect" document when it suits your needs.
Can same gender people get married to each other? Of course. John Galt says they have that freedom and it is not prohibited by the Constitution. John Galt would never support an amendment to the Constitution because he thinks it's perfect "as is".

John Galt thinks that homos should go out and have a blast getting married to each other as long as nobody is forced to do it against their will.