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Old 11-30-2015, 12:42 PM   #1
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Default Can I Walk The Walk?..

As I age, (fucking beautifully, I might add!) I find myself changing. Truly trying to change for the better has always been a goal of mine, but I'm talking deeper than that. My wounds are healing, my heart is softening and my feelings and thoughts have also wandered to a happier place.

Those of you that think I'm negative, you're mistaken. I'm scarred. And I'm passionate about what I believe in. Thanks to some positive (amazing) friends, good meds , and time, I am slowly emerging into a world of endless possibilities. A world I thought rejected me.. hated me.. punished me. I see now, I love life and the people in mine. I hope to reach out to all in need, in more positive ways.

It has been the longest of roads for me, though I'm not alone. I will be working on bringing more positivity to this board and hobby in general. I'm sure my controversial posts and threads will still be in order, but I hope to create more positive outcomes with them now.

I've always talked the good talk, do you think I can walk the walk?

I welcome your comments and opinions, especially from those who know me and those who think they know me.

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Old 11-30-2015, 12:55 PM   #2
i'va biggen
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Stay on your meds......LOL
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Old 11-30-2015, 02:11 PM   #3
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I can honestly say I would love to spend an hour with you at dinner and just talk. Then take you back to a 5 star hotel for 2 full hours of anything goes type fun.
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Old 11-30-2015, 02:58 PM   #4
i'va biggen
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I don't know you, however having been down a rocky road myself, I wish you the best.
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Old 11-30-2015, 05:00 PM   #5
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Everything is a learning experience that adds to what anyone actually is. Thus, a personal growth experience.
And growth, as I use that word here, is your changing phrase.
Also, are not scars proof that learning experiences have occurred?

Btw, speaking the truth to others is sharing past learning experiences. Which hopefully, others will accept, allowing them to grow/change.

Thus, you are already walking the walk.

Congrats on obtaining a goal you reached for.

Last, there's others that believe that being clear on a concept is best accomplished by being blunt.
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Old 11-30-2015, 06:07 PM   #6
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Thanks UC and i'va! (noted on the meds i'va.. smartass )

True UC, and I'll be concentrating on conveying my concepts in a more positive manner from now on.
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Old 11-30-2015, 06:21 PM   #7
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Default Go Gemma!

Originally Posted by MrNyceGuy View Post
I can honestly say I would love to spend an hour with you at dinner and just talk. Then take you back to a 5 star hotel for 2 full hours of anything goes type fun.
I actually did a version of that when Gemma was in town last.

It was the first time that we have ever met. Our history on the board has been, interesting and although I was a target of her lashing out several times...I still had a respect for her. I could tell she was smart from her quick wit and was also someone who has had a lot of life experiences. I chose to ignore her rather than fight.

One day out of the blue, I received a very sincere apology from her and accepted it. I find the inability to forgive very unattractive and self-harming attribute.

So...as I do for many visiting friends, I asked her to join me for drinks at Harry's in Westport and I kept her until after noon the next day.

When I think of Gemma..... I think of words like strong, loyal, honest and sincere.

As many of us have, she has had life experiences that caused her to keep people at an arms length to protect herself.

I have traveled down my own road, I understood where she had been and could see where she is going. Her hard exterior was her protection from the world and it served her as it needed to for a time.

I have seen her transform over time as evidence of her very honest and accepting way that she is reconciling her past with her future. Owning who she was and recognizing that it is her choice to be that person or not. A sign of someone who is taking control of her life and becoming more healthy.

So often we are our own worst enemy and lie to ourselves about people we used to be...when we have control, to an extent, to intentionally create the life we want to live.

I am sure that she can walk the walk because she has made genuine changes in her life. Why judge someone for who they were in another time?
Live in the present, think in the present, be in the moment.

I consider myself an excellent judge of character and KNOW Gemma can walk the walk. After spending 18 hours with her, several bottles of wine, falls off the bed and playing dress up with my fun lingerie...I have a great read and have seen her continuing on that path.

I hope that you receive tons of support from the Community in reinventing yourself.
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Old 11-30-2015, 07:04 PM   #8
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Well said!!! We cannot alter the past, but we can learn and grow from it if we chose to do so. I anticipate the narrative of Gemma's next chapter to be as she wishes. She will walk the walk i'm sure of it!!
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Old 11-30-2015, 07:05 PM   #9
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❤️ Gemma. Always enjoyed her wisdom and insight. Want that dinner and drinks conversation.
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Old 11-30-2015, 08:13 PM   #10
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Well crap A2incher got banned.....Now Gemma my love is going to start being nice....WTF?
I guess we will need to bring Silly Girl out of retirement to get some true sarcasm back in into this joint
Hell I even apologized for pissing people off.....yes it was the meds as well!!
We got earthquakes in Wichita and the midwest....we are all going down in a blaze...the end is near!!

Thats it run for your lives people!!!
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Old 11-30-2015, 08:24 PM   #11
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We can just have drinks LOL .. but remember NO VODKA for the Native American Girl
And after we shop on the Plaza... Houston's or Capital Grille or Café Trio
My Birthday is Dec 19th. .. HINT HINT
AND YES, I too need implement a large dose of gratitude & positivity in my attitude & life ( remember 10 pushups)
I honestly am grateful for our friendship. . And believe with all my heart you can accomplish anything you set your heart & mind towards..ANY THING. ♡
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Old 11-30-2015, 08:26 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by BigDeal View Post
Well crap A2incher got banned.....Now Gemma my love is going to start being nice....WTF?
I guess we will need to bring Silly Girl out of retirement to get some true sarcasm back in into this joint
Hell I even apologized for pissing people off.....yes it was the meds as well!!
We got earthquakes in Wichita and the midwest....we are all going down in a blaze...the end is near!!

Thats it run for your lives people!!!
Hmmm earthquakes in Wichita. .. hmmm
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Old 11-30-2015, 08:26 PM   #13
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Weeeeelllll, since I'veabiggen wasn't called a "fucktard" after his comment I'd say you're walking the walk...lol.

Gemma IS loyal and she has proved that to me over and over since the first time we spoke. I'm actually very cautious with who I open up to...and I'm strangely intuitive. I get to see a side of Gemma that few get to see and I'm honestly grateful I've been allowed to. Intelligent. Beautiful (inside and out). Passionate. Strong. I almost forgot FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!

I have seen a huge difference in you esp the last few months. You are tenacious, Gemma. You'll get to where you want to be. No doubt in my mind.

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Old 11-30-2015, 08:44 PM   #14
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I hope you nothing but the best, it's hard being a woman these days with all our emotions and the past lingering three steps behind us, sometimes things catch up to us and it sucks. I've noticed since I've turned 30 I've changed allot also, on a lot of things, I feel stronger about things, become more about what's right not what everyone else thinks is right. I feel sometimes like a cry baby ass cause of it, seems my heart has changed and I am NOT a crier as I used to feel it showed weakness and I have to much pride for that...
It's weird but what can you do but follow what you're body says too and try to be the best at what you do and how you do it...
I feel it's better to be honest then sugar coat things, meds def will help a person which isn't wrong as long as there the right ones to help. I've thought about it with my anxiety/depression issues but I feel well being an adult just sucks sometimes Lol.
You seem strong, and I'm sure you can make it through everything that's thrown at you, it's hard but some how I always figure crap out and get shit done even if it trys to kill me..

Hope you're holiday was good girlie. Stay positive, if you can't change something, then why stress over it... Everything happens for a reason whether we see it now, days, weeks or even years later.
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Old 11-30-2015, 10:00 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by BigDeal View Post
Well crap A2incher got banned.....Now Gemma my love is going to start being nice....WTF?
I guess we will need to bring Silly Girl out of retirement to get some true sarcasm back in into this joint
Hell I even apologized for pissing people off.....yes it was the meds as well!!
We got earthquakes in Wichita and the midwest....we are all going down in a blaze...the end is near!!

Thats it run for your lives people!!!
No Silly Girl, she annoyed the fuck out of me. Gemma is funny. I would rather Gemma's board persona stay the same than bring the onion pussy back!

Positive vibes are contagious. Hang out with "little miss sunshine" and I will give you some things to think about too.
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