In the following chain of posts it appears that some sort of tiff came up between 31Flavors and blowmypop23 that lead to 31Flavors telling a personal story about blowmypop23 that led to 31Flavors being banned for either outing or possibly having multiple handles.
Certainly understandable.....
BUT...... Can we see some equality in this matter for the members involved?
I think the assumption is that 31Flavors was RockerRick and that he was calling out blowmypop23 for being a former Austin member that used the handle Homer13
The story that was told and edited out is a story that has been heard by more than a few and involved Homer13. I know this is known to several people including MODs
Obviously a couple of facts do exist here.
The story told has to be assumed to be accurate to some extent as it was personal information outed about the member blowmypop23 (ffireman saw fit to remove it all as well as refer to it as outing) which draws a pretty solid connection to blowmypop23 being Homer13
No. I'm not going into any details of a story that no longer exists here after being edited..... It serves no purpose...(fun read though) . OTHER THAN......
IF Information posted was removed because it was outing the personal information of blowmypop23 (ffireman makes this connection for us)
And 31Flavors/RockerRick made it claiming that blowmypop23 is in fact Homer13 (It wasn't edited out and exists in other places on the board)
And the story that was edited out is known by many to be a story related to Homer13......
Why isn't blowmypop23 banned for multiple handles?
The Homer13 handle is neither guested or disabled.
Originally Posted by 31 Flavors
If you haven't figured out who blowmybabycarrot23 is yet???
Staff edit Ff
Originally Posted by blowmypop23
Hi Rick, nice story.
I see you haven't been banned yet. I'm sure that will change soon enough.
Originally Posted by 31 Flavors
Hey ***** ******* do you get to even see that retarded bastard of yours? What a loser can't even support a kid he fathers.Personnal info out staff edit FF
Originally Posted by 31 Flavors
I'm fine homer worry about your own loser ass.
Keep hiding behind that new handle pussy.