Here we are
Running circles around around around around
When nothing's right just close your eyes close your eyes and you're gone
Dreams (Dreams) D-D-D-Dreams
Sheets makin' me hot, sheets makin' me hot
Dreams D-D-D-Dreams
She's making me high I wanna get me free
Nothing gonna get me in my world
Hobby Dreams
I can only imagine that many have hobby dreams, if you have been doing this long enough you will have hobby dreams.
I will have hobby dreams mostly about an event or if I have been courting a unicorn. They are rarely of the sexual manor but sometimes they do go there, that is fun especially if I have a date scheduled.
The other night I was woken from a deep sleep by a flash flood alert on my phone, I forgot to silent it!
My best dreams come from falling back asleep. This dream was a good one, very vivid and in living color.
It started with me and a hobby friend cruising the " hobby village". Think of it like Mardi Gras, Disney land and a hobby social all in one. We were going to a club and from the outside it just looked like a normal old house but once in it was like the Luxor.
As most dreams there was a twist (like being naked at HEB), I was wearing my weekend at home working clothes. Beat up shorts and an old Tee, my friend was dressed the same with old cut off shorts, but his was worse. Everyone ells was dressed to the hilt.
I just shrugged my shoulders and did not care to much but I was aware, my friend asked me if we can run to my place and get some change of clothing, I said "but I live down south you live closer up north!" Next I look over at an escalator and there was a few well known ( now retired) providers going up. I caught the eye of my ATF and she waved but I could not fallow her.
As we entered the club my friend went off to one of the private areas and I was shy so kept back and just peaked in. There were a lot of hot chicks in there and I still was self conscious of what I had on.
After wondering around and watching we all hooked back up, to my delight this young hot tinny chick walked up to me and she was butt naked.
She started to talk to me, flirting and was all over me. Her skin was soft and tanned.
We all sat down at a booth and she sat on my lap leaning her naked body all over me (this might have happened to me recently

). We talked as she would look at me over her shoulder, guys would come up and squeeze her tits and say hi, then move on. I did not touch her. I then started to massage her shoulders as she said " no you can't do that, it's not allowed" then she takes my hands to her breasts, "this is ok though".
I felt her as we sat and we all talked, at on point a started working the meridians down her arm asking if this felt good and if this was ok? She said "yes that feels good"
The dream then moved to my friends house as he was showing me his new home and asking my advise on improvements. And the dream was over.
This was all so vivid and in color as I noted all the colorful costumes and surroundings. The girl was as so many lovely ladies I have enjoyed but so much younger and smaller then I normally enjoy... Guess I'm being told something?
Having this tinny beautiful naked lady just laying on me rubbing her body on me was so erotic I could not stop thinking about this dream all day, and the oddity of the clothing thing too.
"Ship To Wreck"
Don't touch the sleeping pills, they mess with my head,
Dredging the Great White Sharks, swimming in the bed,
And here comes a Killer Whale, to sing me to sleep,
Thrashing the covers off, it has me by it's teeth.
"Florence and the Machine"
Dreams are the subconscious way of sorting things out, or letting you know you need to work on something or look at it. I have done a little work with my dreams back when my ship was a wreck, and it helped me right my ship.
Wonder if that young hottie that used me as a chair a few weeks ago had anything to do with this dream?
So do you have hobby dreams? Ladies I'm sure you have hobby dreams as your more involved then the guys....well then most guys.