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Old 10-16-2015, 05:00 AM   #1
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Default Ommmm.... one more thing about that clock bomb kid


I just want to ask the group, (and I seriously havne't slept tonight, so this might make zero sense.....) who's honest to God OK with what's happening with this kid. We are all very much post 9/11 folks here. It's only been 14 years. Can you even imagine this in 2001? Would you guys be so understanding and dismissive then? Under a republican? (who did sell us way out in alot of ways.... see it's ok to admit your guy is wrong) Things have only gotten worse and it's proven beyond a doubt that, YA it's islamic extremist (but I repeat myself). You have got to see obamas behavior as very odd (best case for full obama supporters) It's ok to admit he is not perfect.

I just want to know where yall stand.
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Old 10-16-2015, 07:28 AM   #2
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You need to get some sleep....that isn't even yesterdays news.

It falls into , "Who gives a fuck " news.

FTR...everyone was to quick to pat this kid on the back.
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Old 10-16-2015, 07:32 AM   #3
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Most know what this little shitass was doing. He was, (or as compelled to), making a very disruptive statement that he knew our ultra liberal press would jump on and yell "discrimination" the minute so body did something.

And they did.
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Old 10-16-2015, 07:46 AM   #4
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Put on some Alman Brothers, take a warm bath, put on some clean pajamas and sheets and remember that you are a living organism on this planted and that you are going to be alright.

If that doesn't work, call me and I'll come over and read you a bed time story.

I read Mein Kampf to WTF all the time.
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Old 10-16-2015, 07:49 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Most know what this little shitass was doing. He was, (or as compelled to), making a very disruptive statement that he knew our ultra liberal press would jump on and yell "discrimination" the minute so body did something.

And they did.
Yup. Just like trained seals!
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Old 10-16-2015, 07:57 AM   #6
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So we should be assuming guilty until proven innocent? Lots of people did not behave too well on this one, but Kayla, can you explain to me when it is justified to take a 9th grader out in handcuffs and when it is not? If I think the saying on their shirt is threatening language? If they have a backpack that is large enough to contain a pressure cooker? If they have a thermos that contains more than 3.4 ounces of a potentially explosive liquid?

Tell me please, what IS the threshold of presumed guilt? Sadly things are not as clear cut as it might be nice to have. How many rights are YOU willing to remove, from whom, in what circumstances? I hate to point it out but some jurisdictions have a long history of making some of those decisions based upon age, color, etc.
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Old 10-16-2015, 08:22 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
I read Mein Kampf to WTF all the time.
Fucking hilarious. Best post of the year!!!
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Old 10-16-2015, 08:31 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
So we should be assuming guilty until proven innocent? Lots of people did not behave too well on this one, but Kayla, can you explain to me when it is justified to take a 9th grader out in handcuffs and when it is not? If I think the saying on their shirt is threatening language? If they have a backpack that is large enough to contain a pressure cooker? If they have a thermos that contains more than 3.4 ounces of a potentially explosive liquid?

Tell me please, what IS the threshold of presumed guilt? Sadly things are not as clear cut as it might be nice to have. How many rights are YOU willing to remove, from whom, in what circumstances? I hate to point it out but some jurisdictions have a long history of making some of those decisions based upon age, color, etc.
As usual, a well thought out and written post. I hate the reference at the end to a long history of discrimination, but I admit it has some small bit of truth.

I also like the way you recognize the difficulty of field police work, with the split second decisions made under pressure that everyone else has days to think about and criticize.

The thing I now hate the most about the story of the clock building youngster is that to subject it to critical examination seems to be taboo. We should examine every part of this story, because I think the family of the boy has something to hide.
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Old 10-16-2015, 11:37 AM   #9
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As the police always say, handicuffing a suspect is for safeties sake. We have watched terrorists using small children to detonate bombs around the world. Why not in the US under the right circumstances. That is what law enforcement is up against.

Too many questions and loose ends on this story. This kid's dad is an "activist" (which is the nicest way to describe a demagogue) and a political candidate in another country. This "clock" turned out to be nothing more than the guts of an existing clock that he took apart. He built nothing. So if he built nothing, then why did he take it to school to show his teachers (which is what he said that he was doing)? When asked several direct questions this kid gave evasive answers. This is not how it was presented by the press.
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Old 10-16-2015, 12:15 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
As the police always say, handicuffing a suspect is for safeties sake. We have watched terrorists using small children to detonate bombs around the world. Why not in the US under the right circumstances. That is what law enforcement is up against.

Too many questions and loose ends on this story. This kid's dad is an "activist" (which is the nicest way to describe a demagogue) and a political candidate in another country. This "clock" turned out to be nothing more than the guts of an existing clock that he took apart. He built nothing. So if he built nothing, then why did he take it to school to show his teachers (which is what he said that he was doing)? When asked several direct questions this kid gave evasive answers. This is not how it was presented by the press.
I agree with all your points, but you avoid the elephant. What is the boundary between arresting someone and not arresting them? I certainly do not have the answer, but in essence he was arrested for what?

Claiming to have built a clock that he did not build? So is plagiarism in high school now something we will arrest people for? Was he arrested for making threats? I saw no such indication--if he did I have no problem with arresting him, but if he did not, then what was he arrested for? For an "implied threat"? Be very, very careful where that will lead you: there is NO difference between walking into a mall and being arrested for making an "implied threat" with a partially disassembled clock--or with a holstered (and otherwise legal) gun.

I do NOT support what I suspect was a manufactured publicity piece. I agree with you there. But seeking publicity is not a crime, nor does it seem he committed one in the execution. I am truly troubled by this one--i seriously don't like any of the lines of thought it leads to.

I really, really want to hear COG's thought on this one. If he us to be logically consistent (and he usually is) I expect he should be troubled by this one as well.

But in the meantime I will ask you and Kayla again: what, specifically, was his arrestable act?
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Old 10-16-2015, 12:17 PM   #11
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P.S.: Obama's comments were amazingly stupid and show he didn't give the real issue even a minister's thought. And learned nothing from the Martin/Zimmerman fiasco.
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Old 10-16-2015, 12:28 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
I read Mein Kampf to WTF all the time.
He doesn't get sleepy does he?
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Old 10-16-2015, 12:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
And learned nothing from the Martin/Zimmerman fiasco.
Well ..... I'll give Obaminable this much ....

............. he has a lot of company on that one!
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Old 10-16-2015, 01:04 PM   #14
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I can understand why a teacher, untrained in explosives would panic when seeing something like this. That's what bombs look like on TV. But law enforcement should know better. It was clear that this was a stand alone clock. There were no explosives attached to it. No one was in danger. It was a clock. LE should have so informed the school that. Instead, they overreact. That's part of the police state. You can be arrested for "looking like" a criminal. Arrested if you might be thinking about committing a crime. Pretty scary. This kid, if anything, is guilty of cheating on an assignment. Instead, he was arrested for having brown skin and holding a broken clock.

Pardon the pun, but this has been blown way out of proportion.
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Old 10-16-2015, 01:54 PM   #15
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