Originally Posted by Mtnliving
I guess your talking about tb - I involve myself in what I wish and yes I have sided him on a couple issues but that is that - ka asked me to post a supportive thread for her and I did and of course I get pussy whipped by the eccie illuminati
Originally Posted by Marshall Mathers
Long time lurker on this site but not on others.
This sight never ceases to amaze me. The policing of posts is actually quite humorous. for hose of you stuck on fp/tb/who cares what his name was, does the word obsessed mean anything? I mean, come on. I wish we could do a search here and see how many times you comment thoses old handles. I bet he gets a kick out of seeing you missing him so much,
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up?!
Originally Posted by Marshall Mathers
I too had 3 dates set up with her in the last 3 weeks. All no shows no no calls.
Three strikes no balls.
All you dumbass motherfuckers and shill assholes need to buy a clue!
That dude has been stirring shit for years and y'all just eat it up. The guy has at least 4 other handles and you don't blame him for the discord and distrust...you chastise us for bringing it to light!??!
You get stood up multiple times by a girl he has been pimping, and We are the bad guys?!?!
She OUTS a fucking member and y'all still want to call her and meet? Go right the fuck ahead... stupid is as stupid does!
M&M arrives right on time with a brand new handle and then will wonder why we will accuse you of being him....especially after having just joined, never posted a single review or post until the Frank/Treebark drama demands you immediately participate.
Mtnliving gets the same shill moniker... yet is unhappy with us for doing so, even though the dynamic was set by Franko-dipshit years ago when he set up multiple handles years in advance.
While he was stirring the post as Frank, he was quietly building treebark in Pittsburgh MP forums, where he knew nobody would ask questions. Then when the time was right, BOOM 2yr old handle with 10 reviews shows up and jumps right in after Frank handle is BANNED.
Gets Treebark BANNED for shilling posts FOR Kristen Adorable.and on and on it goes. Now She is BANNED as well...good thing he has been 'helping' her...way to go.
Whether or not you guys are actually more frank/tree shills, your participation in this manner marks you as just another couple of Ghosts for him. But it's our fault for calling out lying, cheating, shill scumbags when we see them. Obsessed? Not at all. Determined to keep the reviews and membership honest and real? ABSO_FUCKING-LUTEY!!!
Please tell us more about how WE are the ones fucking shit up
So go and get your shinebox Pinocchio and sing us a tune