For me, I'll gag on latex.
I get the whole question as it pertains to safety. Everyone has to make up their mind regarding their own safety concerns. But as one that is regularly tested and decently informed on what acts fall as high vs. low risk, I believe your MD is correct (would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that convo LOL).
I also do not want a CBJ--dealbreaker for the most part. I would (usually!) rather skip the BJ altogether than receive it covered. Risk/reward is skewed too far to the absence of reward with a CBJ!!!
Anyway, my question is to TNT's quote above: I can't imagine anything pleasurable about putting latex (or any rubber material) in your mouth. OK, statement not a question but the point is the same. That just seems gross. But then so does putting a dick in MY mouth, so maybe I simply cannot relate.
Or maybe I can. Had a civi chick that insisted on dental dam if I wanted to go down on her. Yuk. Persevered through the first time because I liked and wanted to bang her. There was no second time when I confirmed this would be the lay of the land unless we were married (NOPE!) or completely exclusive (MAYBE, at some point, but not with HER!).
Hooray for condom free BJs!!!