Damn it, you beat me to it! I was thinking the exact same thing this morning when I seen those ads. Matter-of-fact, it happens often and it makes you want to pull your hair out when you see an ad for West TX and no city in the ad/title. I've gotten to the point where I don't even ask anymore. It's become so frustrating that I figure if they're not smart enough to put what damn city they're in, in West TX, they're probably not worth seeing.
I do believe that this has been brought up before as well. C'mon ladies, help out us horny phukkers and let us know up front what city you're actually in. Pweeze?!?
Another note: Many times you ladies are posting Midland/Odessa. It makes a difference to some of us which city. Is it possible to ask that you clearly state which city, either Midland OR Odessa your incall is in?
Thanks for your cooperation in advance,
Midland Management