Sometimes I wonder if I look like a monster. Recently there was a charity raffle held by a radio station. They had a remote set up at a local sandwich shop. $100 a ticket. The DJ was standing inside the door and a celebrity pretty girl was sitting at a long table to smile and show her cleavage to the doners. On air he was quixotic and humorus. He would describe her and she would often talk slutty on over the air. I happened to be near so I stepped in to donate.
As I enter I can see her smiling and conversing with someone who just bought a ticket. But now he shuts up and just puts his back to the wall and looks at the floor. I make my way to the table and say I'll take 2 tickets.
She looks up and she looks nervous.
Later I tell my daughter about it and she laughed. She said when she was a teen her friends were always saying they were afraid of me. WTF.
I'd rather be handsome.