Originally Posted by jasmin
I know someone who was outed ( so was her resume) who pretty much knows all the laws stating this ....
... like Westins and Hiltons have universal rules on management entering the room, calling the guest first, if no answer calling a cell, waiting on the guest permission. If I was in the next room and lost my pet snake, they could not enter the room next door without permission.
Police must have probable cause and they do not search room by room unless an axe murderer got out and was spotted in the area.
In which case all guest are to go to a ball room or large conference room for their own safety.
The most they do is put a notice under your door.
I'll call it. Bullshit.
I know someone who knows someone who knows someone ...
Please do yourself and others who read the crap on here ... a favor ...
... don't be telling people "what the law is" unless you know what it is, and then you should NOT be giving legal advice to people you do not know about something you do not have a clue about regarding the facts ...
e.g. you do not even know what "hotel" or "motel" she was in ... "flag" .. WTF ... "UNIVERSAL RULES" ....
So the "hotel" who flies a flag has "universal rules" that trump the law of the state and country in which they fly their own flag?
Finally, where did you read OR hear that LE must have probable cause ..... before they can enter a room and they do not go from room to room unless they are looking for an "axe murderer"?
How about a rapist?
How about a child sex offender?
How about a "gun murderer"?
How about a cocaine smuggler?
How about a ...... fleeing felon ?
How about a bomb maker?
How about a bomb threat?
How about a report of a fire/smoke?
geez ... lady.
"I know someone who was outed ( so was her resume) who pretty much knows all the laws stating this ...."
She was "outed" so she knows the "universal laws" of hotels with flags?