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Old 06-17-2009, 10:13 AM   #1
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Default Ladies, Does it bother you at all

Ladies, does it bother you at all when you see a guy in a public place that you have previously seen BCD?

I went to a local steak house with my SO recently and walked right by the table of a provider and her gentleman friend. I of course recognized her as I have seen her on several occasions. She made every attempt to hide her face as we passed her table. I was very careful as to not make eye contact with her.

My SO and I were seated several tables away and I made a point to have my back to her. Unfortunately, she had to pass my table to visit the girls room. As she returned to her table she made it very clear with a finger over her lips for me not to say anything.

The common rule is that I don't know you and you have never met me. I made damn sure that I stayed clear of her. I didn't need a hot woman come by and say "hey cheater when you gonna cum over to see me again". lol

So my question is, do you try to go out of your way to hide from a guy you have seen BCD? Or do you leave it alone and hope he knows the rules of public contact?
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Old 06-17-2009, 10:19 AM   #2
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I sure hope the answers are YES as I've seen many ladies and for them to say "hey SP you need to see me again" would be kinda hard to explain.
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Old 06-17-2009, 10:22 AM   #3
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It would just make my evening if I were out eating dinner with the wife and I heard "hey fubar". Holy shit. LOL
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Old 06-17-2009, 10:22 AM   #4
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A simple rule is look away. We do not know who you are with. Public acknowledge ment is not good.

I would only respond "IF" you said something to me. Even then I would play it off due to other's being around.
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Old 06-17-2009, 10:34 AM   #5
Lexy Laye
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If I was clearly by myself I wouldn't mind someone saying hello , but I definately wouldn't approach anyone.
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Old 06-17-2009, 10:55 AM   #6
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Default I tell everyone I meet

I tell everyone I meet, if I sould run into you somewhere else, I don't know you. If I am by myself and you want to speak OK. Not being married or having a SO by choice, it is not a real problem for me, but I sure do not want to get the lady in any kind of trouble.
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Old 06-17-2009, 11:10 AM   #7
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Surely there is no real question that the proper protocol is to not notice each other in public!

It's consistent with all of the most important principles of religious life:
-- Muslims and Buddhists don't recognize Jews as God's chosen people.
-- Jews don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
-- Protestants don't recognize the Pope as the head of the universal church.
-- And Baptists don't recognize each other at the liquor store.

As hypocritical as it seems, let's all keep it that way, shall we?

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Old 06-17-2009, 11:24 AM   #8
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We all agree that you don't know each other in public. Even if they are alone because who know who might walk around the corner just as you say "hi". I will admit to making eye contact if the lady APPEARS to be alone and she can take it from there.

Interestingly enough, About 2 years I saw a stripper I know in a public sports bar. I failed to acknowledge her because of the environment ( I'm over 60 and she is 30 something in a sports bar, what would folks think?). When I told her about it later she was PO'd. Said that anytime I see her anywhere I am more than welcome to say HI.

I had the occasioon to be with her again about 3 weeks ago and we were talking about that incident and she again said that I should always say HI. She isn't ashamed of who she knows --- but she continued by telling a tale about being at the grocery store with her mother and a guy walked up and said "Hey, don't you work at BDFW?" to which she replied --- "Yes I do. And this is my mother." She didn't like that "Hello".

We should never acknowledge one another in public unless it is VERY VERY clear that both are alone and then it should only be a nodding "hello" and continue walking.
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Old 06-17-2009, 11:32 AM   #9
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Well this has happened to me twice,both alone so saying hello was no problem.

But it seems I'm always running into the guys I've met in the hobby out in public..what's up with that?
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Old 06-17-2009, 12:33 PM   #10
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I wouldn't have as big a problem with running in to the guys as much. I work in a male dominated construction industry and have run into more guys than I really wanted to. Easy to explain to the SO that the guy was a plumber or an electrician as long as he doesn't start with "hey I saw that review you did of so and so!"

I just saw the panic on the face of that provider when she saw me. She should have known I wasn't going to say anything when I walked by without acknowledging her presence. She seemed awkward and somewhat obvious in her attempt to shield her face at the table and then more so when giving me the button your lip motions.

Last thing I need is to get beat up by a providers father (she was with an older gent..lol) while my SO tries to kick the life out of junior and the boys.
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Old 06-17-2009, 02:48 PM   #11
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I have not met anyone yet outside of the hobby world. I think I would go by there reaction to seeing me. If they smiled and waved me over then I would go up and say hi. I wouldn't approach a lady unless she gave me some kind of que it was ok to do so. Wheather she waved or smiled something like that.
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Old 06-22-2009, 05:06 PM   #12
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Keeping strictly on the down low.
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Old 06-22-2009, 06:44 PM   #13
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Beatnik and I found out that we know each other from a social organization we both enjoy. It was funny to find out we were both hobbyists. Neither of us figured the other for a poon-for-pay hound.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:25 PM   #14
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I and a certain former ATF provider have "run into" each other over the years with the last time nearly resulting in her causing a car wreck in her rash maneuver to get away from where I was refueling my vehicle since she had a guy with her in her car… uhm, on her black broom.

Other than that, I generally don't run into the providers I have seen in the world I live in. I have seen some providers at restaurants but that is an extremely very rare event however since we have never met, I don't acknowledge them even if I recognize them. I may discreetly give them the once over as any male would do but that is all.

Now if I did run into the ones I have seen in times past I would see if they are alone, discreetly, then make eye contact and leave the rest to her. Since I do not have a girlfriend or a wife, I would not mind having a provider say hello if I was alone. What I just wrote applies to all except the one I indirectly referenced in the first paragraph above.
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Old 06-23-2009, 12:09 AM   #15
Kelly TNT
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Default Oh, I have an interesting story.....Jack Ass

I have run into a handful of clients over the years.
I am always discrete and just look away.

I have only had one bad experience.

I was walking through the Galleria Mall food court. And a client I had not seen in 2+ years saw me. I did not see him. Oooh, but I heard him! He started yelling....."Kelly!!" Over and Over and Over. I had not been providing in over a year...But, BELIEVE ME, when I heard "Kelly", I Knew who he was talking to!!

OMG! I just started walking faster...trying to get the hell outta there!

I was on my lunch break with a girl that I worked with. She had no clue what the hell was going on. UNTIL.......He grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face him!!!
"KELLY!!! I've been screaming for you since the Food Court!!??!"
(Kill me now)
I said, "Yes, I heard you screaming for someone...But, hon...My name isn't Kelly." He actually said this.... "Yeah, I know. But I always liked it better! So, how are you...what are you up to lately??"
I introduced him to my co worker Allison...and told him about my new job. He never once acted like he had done anything wrong.
I was Mortified! My stomach was flipping all over the place.

When we walked away, Allison turned to me and asked, "So, what's Kelly...your Stage Name?"Oooooooooooooooooh done. I was so done.

I told her that he was a Raging alcoholic. I tended bar while going to school....and he was always so drunk that he never remembered anyone’s names.
???! Eeeeeeek!??!!

WTFO??!! Holy Shit Balls....I couldn't believe she bought that!


I mean....what a jack ass.
Nothing like that has ever happened to me since.

Thank Goodness!!

~Kelly TNT
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