I seriously doubt Cassel plays, if he does, that guy is a freaking stud. I really like Brodie, good guy with a cannon arm, but so damn fragile. A few things I wanted to share from a Chiefs board.
First one is rather unnerving. This comes from Chargers LB Stephen Cooper:
"If he does suit up,” said Chargers linebacker Stephen Cooper of Cassel, “we are going to try to put him back on the bench if we have to.”
Cooper was asked if that meant he’d take a shot at Cassel’s abdominal region.
Whatever presents itself,” said Cooper. “We are just trying to make sure we get him down, make sure we try to get the ball, and try to get some turnovers. So, if the opportunity does present itself, we are going to try to hit him as hard as we can and see what happens from there.”
This is the same guy who I believe predicted a Chargers win in game one. What a turdball.
Funny (or I thought it was):
"Brodie at half time sunday..."