Originally Posted by cr76
Sorry- should have been more specific - Yes will it protect you from le. Cause I keep seeing guys say - this is all a dream- this is a fantasy.
Let's hypothetically run through the legal system.
Two different scenarios, (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
First case,
You get busted with a provider from here and she's LEO. Bad on you for not doing your research. STFU, give them no additional information, they think they have enough to make a case, or at least intimidate you into a plea bargain. They have you linked to your profile here with all your reviews. That may be incriminating showing a pattern of behavior. But finally, it comes down to a jury of your "peers" (not likely you'll get any fellow mongers on the jury) and now your fate is in their hands.
Second case
Perhaps the site gets infiltrated and gets shut down, similar to the ASPD days. LEO has tons of info to sort through, (the majority of it it's yours, you filthy pervert) and finally they link your RW with your profile and reviews, but your reviews are just fantasy so once again it's up to a jury if they'll buy your line of BS.
Basically, the disclaimer that this is just a fantasy/dream is just a weak line of defense. It gives you deniability, but only if the jury is gullible enough to believe you.
Good luck with that one.