Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I'd say to quit drinking a little earlier next time.

I'm a tea teetotaler and my last beer or whiskey was last weekend.
And alcohol is the only drug I use.
hell I thought you knew my mind is just fucking strange WTF
btw: would you like to have my current avatar ?????? just askin
you do know CC, local mods wisely ignore lots of my BS
thanks for jumping in
and can you answer my questions now that its to late for ya
edit add: ah crap looking out my window. There she is again raking her yard trash onto my yard yet again. Day after I cleaned and cut my yard like always. Yo cunt, if just once day before I do my yard please would be helpful yet still rude. But but but NO always the day after WTF.
Fucking bitch. But dang she looks hot in them short shorts. I want to fuck her.
That camel toe needs some filling dam it.
She got her hubby so pussy whipped and one can just tell he taint getting none. And afraid of her.