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I could swear I read on here somewhere that if a couple folks want to argue they should do it in private. So I call a guy a bad word in a pm and I'm told I'm harrassing him. I just replied to a pm. That isn't harrassment. What's the deal? Can one not use a PM to call an ass an ass?
Whn returning a pm to another member its nice to be polite and tactful...however
Thats usually not the case cuz this isnt a perfect world..and then someones feelings get hurt then they rtm the pm..
Now if it escalates to threats such as outing to family members, threats of violence and such, you as well can rtm that can always block that member and then you wont receive pms from that member..sorry I meant to" blockin that member you wont see his posts on the board either..
Now the owners do take threats of violence and outing seriously and the naughty menace
Will receive a free unpaid vacation from the board..hope that helps..
Oh and yes you can call a person an ass in the returning pm..
This is where you ggoback to the beginning of my post and read again...
Oh and yes you can call a person an ass in the returning pm..
Not according to highwayman. To him that is a major offense.
But thanks for the reply. Seeing as though highwayman is unreasonable, is there some one I can reach out to that may have a more balanced and fair perspective?
I wouldnt considar it a major offense..but we all have diff
Points of major and minor..except those that write notes and
You can always take it higher if ya like..there is a list of mods
In each forum of the board in each area of the board..they/we
All have certain regions we cover..pick one or two or more
Include all or one in your pm and see what they say..
Some are more open to just saying..hey man..come on chill out..
While others take the nuns approach and pull out their rulers.
.and start aslappin knuckles and asses....
That's insane. If someone calling someone an ass is a major violation when done by PM, then I have some stored PMs that could get some members banned. It's also a pussy move to RTM a PM in which the worst thing done was to call someone an ass. Just my opinion.
So instead of taking aj's advice and ignoring him, u prob kept up a convo with him and he kept it up as well, and u rtm'd the comments? Just an assumption, let me know if I'm close though
There has been a few I put on ignore and it had made my life so wonderful, just saying, it was/is great advice
Obv not knowing whole story someone seems bitter about being called a name and went running to mommy and daddy.
Wonder if it was BJ as he just recently got banned.
I'll confess i used stongers words than ass, byt highway is on my case so if i repeated here I wasn't sure what might happen. I just wanted highway to be a little more clear since it was private, but he was none too helpful in reply, kind of insulting. But it looks like something else happened. Good guess.
The whole shindig went down before I got AJ's advice, it wasn't ignored. I replied to a few pms then stopped.
Hana u can always pm me it, I will prob laugh, like TM said, I've said plent in pm that could lead to a ban based on calling someone an ass, and that's why he was prob on your ass about it, if,it was indeed worse than saying he was an ass.
Well at least u know for the future to just ignore
Yeah I read the however, tact is all fine and a good policy but the ship has sailed.
Whatever, the guy started dropping hints about my wife (who may or may not exist, I haven't said) but highway is going to come down on me for calling someone an ass in private? Seems pretty fucked up. But there are bozos that get an authority high, however pathetic the position, no different here.
Thanks again.
You're still here right? Guess who isn't.
Its pretty simple really, here is the guideline;
#8 - Misuse of our Private Messaging system will result in consequences. You are not to spam members using the PM system. You are not to send invitations to other sites using our PM system. You are not to harass others using our PM system.
Say whatever you want in PM's, we don't care and won't know about it....until the other party hits the RTM. Then staff has to get involved and make a decision whether it rises to harassment. Looks like in this case, staff thought it did, and his was worse so everyone pays some price.
You get into these stupid elementary school bitchslapping squabbles using our PM system and someone then reports it....something is gonna happen, as you already know. Perhaps you should think about who you are messaging with and what you are saying...and more importantly what they are going to do with it. Simple huh?
I know I know...its much more fun to bitch about the horrible, overbearing, heavy-handed staff here than to accept responsibility for your actions. We get it. Carry on please....I'm sure you will convince someone to change their mind if you complain enough.
Say whatever you want in PM's, we don't care and won't know about it....until the other party hits the RTM. Then staff has to get involved and make a decision whether it rises to harassment. Looks like in this case, staff thought it did, and his was worse so everyone pays some price.
You get into these stupid elementary school bitchslapping squabbles using our PM system and someone then reports it....something is gonna happen, as you already know. Perhaps you should think about who you are messaging with and what you are saying...and more importantly what they are going to do with it. Simple huh?
I know I know...its much more fun to bitch about the horrible, overbearing, heavy-handed staff here than to accept responsibility for your actions. We get it. Carry on please....I'm sure you will convince someone to change their mind if you complain enough.
I never knew it was was possible to rtm a pm, never paid any attention to it, than heard someone mention it here one day. One would think that if said in private, U less threatening to out or threatening harm on someone. It would remain in a pm and whatever. Like AJ said and what osd has on the bottom of his sign line, ignore is a very useful feature. Guess the op found this out to late, well not him so much as he is still here and someone else isn't
Surely you jest.....
Did you forget the 'master of mayhem' XY, who along with his plethora of annoying handles did this all the time!!!.....
.....and prolly still is ......