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Old 02-05-2015, 01:45 AM   #1
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Default Safety and choking sex fetish

Safety in choking fetish. I was asked if I had ever attempted choking sex. Choking sex is some thing I had never contemplated and I wonder what the safety point is. What is the way that I would know when to stop. I was trained in the army that I can take some one out in just a couple of minutes. Is there a hand signal or what?
There are things that I have never done and I am open to new things.
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Old 02-05-2015, 03:55 AM   #2
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Be VERY VERY careful with this. Especially you older guys that may have some carotid stenosis. (narrowing of the carotid arteries). You could end up having a stroke.

For more info do a search for "asphyxiophilia".
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Old 02-05-2015, 06:54 AM   #3
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I have done this numerous time at the request of the Ladies. I use an open hand method, apply pressure as so not completely cut off their blood supply to the brain. not a squeezing motion.

i would tell them to tap me or use a safe word to let me know how she felt.
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Old 02-05-2015, 07:55 AM   #4
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I love having it for sure
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Old 02-05-2015, 11:52 AM   #5
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I am specifically really into Breath Play, which is a type of choking, but focuses more specifically on restricting airflow than restricting blood flow. I find playing with blood flow to be something I don't particularly want to mess with. I feel much more comfortable restricting airflow.

I find that alternating between allowing small amounts of air and restricting access to air causes a "panic" sensation in the brain that triggers the release of endorphins and starts to cause a state of ecstasy in the receiver. It intensifies pleasure in other bodily sensations whether tactile, sensual, or sexual. Also a great way to send someone into "subspace" without a lot of heavy BDSM.

I like to use the webbing across my thumb as a soft (read: won't cause bruises) yet firm pressure across the air passage, usually near the bottom of the throat where my fingers are the least likely to also restrict blood flow. Usually with me on top of someone so their air flow is also slightly restricted by manner of weight on their body. Or even just because it adds to the sensation of being restricted by someone when they are on top of you. Then I like to also combine sensual sensations which I know will be amplified by the brain's own chemicals as it starts to panic when it can't get as much oxygen as it desires or can access it only selectively (when I choose to relieve the pressure). I keep my face very near someone's face when I am restricting their airflow so that I can gauge accurately how much air they are getting. My goal is never to make anyone pass out and I have never had it happen yet. I can feel their breathing struggle and rattle under my hand and can often tell from their eyes when their brain starts to really panic. I let them ride the panic for a moment, then give them some air, then cut them off midway through their desparate gasp, then hold, then give hem another half a gasp, then cut them off for a while, etc etc until their brain panics enough times to flood them with endorphins. It feels great.

I'm not into heavy BDSM in general but I got into giving & receiving breath play in my late teen years so it's definitely still something that I enjoy doing and I think it feels really cool. If someone is not too freaked out by the whole idea in the first place...

Breath play gets a bad reputation for being dangerous because people DO die trying to do breath play on themselves. It's very dangerous to try to restrict your own breathing with objects. I actually don't ever restrict my partner's breathing with objects either, such as scarves or belts, etc. I only use my hands because I feel supremely confident that I can tell long before someone passes out if they are really not receiving the oxygen they need and let up the pressure so that they can get some. The problem with doing breath play on yourself is that if you take it too far and pass out, there will be no one else there to relieve the pressure on your breathing passages and that's simply the end of you. So this is one of those things you should NEVER try alone!
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Old 02-05-2015, 12:23 PM   #6
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i love being choked and doing choking/strangulation on providers.

i especially love it during missionary.

as far as knowing how far to go, a simple agreed upon safety word before hand is useful.

last december i did choking on an ATF who i always got her to choke me, but i had never choked her. the great thing is that you dont have to apply alot of pressure to make your session dark and kinky. i just applied light pressure to my provider and it was great cause she was receptive and liked it. something different for the both of us.
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Old 02-05-2015, 01:01 PM   #7
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I am not into giving or receiving pain in any way. That said I was asked to choke the lady and I am at a loss as to how. I would want a safety signal before starting on some thing like this. I have been tempted to choke a provider when the loud fake screaming begins. I will discuss with the lady that brought this up about to choke safely in sex play.
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Old 02-05-2015, 05:51 PM   #8
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Honestly, don't do it!!! I do it with my partner who is trained in numerous martial arts etc and is a doctor. If something goes wrong I know he will take the right course of action. He also checks up on me in the days to follow as there can be injuries sustained that do not become apparent until days later.
Even if you do not want your "victim" to lose consciousness, you can do harm. The very most I would do is hold my hand over a mouth and nose for a short while.
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Old 02-05-2015, 07:16 PM   #9
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I believe if there is a connection and trust with a client /provider you have seen numerous times for numerous years,then there should not be a problem with it...It all just comes down to communication and trust. I can say that I have asked to have this done on me with a "few" clients and have really enjoyed it {mostly due to the connection & trust between us}.....BUT it is only at MY choosing!
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Old 02-05-2015, 07:36 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by savak View Post
the great thing is that you dont have to apply alot of pressure to make your session dark and kinky.
This. True (and rough) breath play is something I've indulged in in my private life many times. I wouldn't recommend it in the hobby because of the very real danger of injury. "Gentle" pressure that would never leave marks or have a miniscule chance to injure can still can kick your mind into that lovely submissive space.

If you really want to experience it just ask yourself this question...

"If something goes wrong will the injured party be ok with you riding in an ambulance with them and knowing all of their personal info? Are both of you trained in CPR?"

If you answer "no" then maybe you need to rethink things. Of course, I'm always worried about the worst case scenario in these types of situations so as always take my advice with a grain of salt.
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Old 02-05-2015, 08:50 PM   #11
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Submissive space, I like that description SA.

Blood chokes are safer imo. With breath play there's a chance of damaging the trachea. Both cut off oxygen to the brain and a carotid choke does it quickly without as much risk at damaging the other party. Try the "five one thousand" count, one one thousand, two one thousand, etc. up to five. Release the choke and do it again. It has the same effect and safer. You can do it one handed if your hands are big enough to reach her carotid on both sides, one side with your thumb and the other with your middle finger. Play safe!
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Old 02-05-2015, 10:19 PM   #12
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Blood chokes can be just as dangerous. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. If it is taken too far, there may be no way back, and do you really believe the person you are with will stick around if something does go wrong?
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Old 02-05-2015, 10:38 PM   #13
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When your young and healthy, your arteries are clean, your skin and organs still growing and probably at their peak to repair most damage. Skin and blood vessels are still very elastic, so being choked 'may' not have long term effects. But as you age, your body does not respond as well to trauma. Now your body may be denser, but you may also have other underlying problems, and subjecting your body to the same things you did as a young adult may have greater risks and consequences.
Bottom line, you may be safer jumping out of a plane with a parachute with professionals who are nearby and on the ground. Capable of handling an emergency. Contrast that with most of the ladies who are not.
Unless the provider is a trained Emergency Rm nurse, technician or doctor, you may want to reevaluate the risk. A crushed blood vessel will leave you with a probable stroke and no way of communicating if something goes wrong. Even partial paralysis may leave you unable to speak or move your hand to 'tap out'.
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Old 02-05-2015, 10:58 PM   #14
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Lol, I'm not trying to convince anyone to try either. Hell yes it's dangerous! And I'M personally not letting anyone do anything to me that I'm going to need an ER nurse for unless it's two nurses and they want a threesome.

Read up for yourselves people, it's not something taken lightly, it's extremely dangerous, requires extreme trust, and not for amateurs.

Granted it's from the web, and not really a "professional" reference, but here is an article I found within 5 one thousandths on Google.

For entertainment purposes only:
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Old 02-05-2015, 11:15 PM   #15
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Thank ya all I believe I will leave this fetish to some one else.
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