it's called product placement!!
if this were on the first visit and she initiated the conversation, then i, too, would be concerned about her level of discretion.
if this were on the first visit and i initiated the conversation, then i would be guilty of prying or comparing or being less than sensitive about the topic. esp. if i'm telling her how wonderfully mary sue consulted with me.
now, if this were on the 4th or 5th or 10th and the woman and i get along well and we are pretty damn sure about our discretion, we might discuss things or places or people, but not to irritate or be insensitive. more to share what's going on in the world.
but, jasser had it right.
if she starts talking about things you dont want to hear,
instead of asking her to quit talking,
distract her with another activity.
..... [**cough**

assuming you didnt talk about bobbie jo's french dicktation skills earlier in your meeting.