International day to end violence against sex workers Its here in a couple of days. How will you be commemorating Dec 17 International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers? Nice to see that there are many events being organized, even in Russia! You can do something with a group, or just go at it alone or with a friend or two. This year I'm going to do a private ceremony/memorial with candles and music and hope you will do something too, to remember the sex workers who have been victims of bad laws, violence, serial killers and other traumas. I do something every year. Even a minute of silence alone is good. Or send a few bucks to a sex worker organization. There are 1001 ways to participate. Everyone is invited, and sex workers need all the support and love they can get. .
here is the note from my friend Annie Sprinkle about it
allies and advocates from around the world in recognizing December 17, the International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers. As we approach this day, we seek to come together to remember those who we have lost this year, and renew our commitment in the on-going struggle for empowerment, visibility, and rights for all sex workers. On December 17th, We also renew our commitment to solidarity. The majority of violence against sex workers is not just violence against sex works—it’s also violence against transwomen, against women of color, against drug users, against immigrants. We cannot end the marginalization and victimization of all sex workers without also fighting transphobia, racism, stigma and criminalization of drug use, and xenophobia.
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New York City – 2012
Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers was first recognized in 2003 as a memorial and vigil for the victims of the Green River Killer in Seattle Washington. Since 2003, Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers has empowered people from cities around the world to come together and organize against discrimination and remember victims of violence.
During the week of December 17th, sex worker communities and social justice organizations stage actions and vigils and work to raise awareness about violence that is commonly committed against sex workers. The assault, battery, rape and murder of sex workers must end. Racism and economic inequality and systems of colonialist, capitalist violence and oppression must end. The stigma and discrimination and criminalization that makes violence against us acceptable must end. Please join with sex workers around the world and stand against criminalization and violence committed against our communities.
A public letter from Annie Sprinkle and your invitation to join us
Annie Sprinkle has provided us with her thoughts about the origins of December 17 including ten ways to participate in the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. When Gary Ridgeway, the “Green River Killer,” was finally caught after murdering scores of sex workers Annie, “felt a need to memorialize my whore sisters that had died so horribly and needlessly.” She joined with Robyn Few, Stacey Swimme and Michael Foley (all members of the Sex Workers Outreach Project) to claim December 17 as the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. Annie shares that, “to date hundreds of people around the world have done dozens of memorials, actions, and events of all kinds, and the participation is growing. Won't you join us?”
A public letter from Annie Sprinkle
Green River Killer¯ Gary Ridgeway said, "I picked prostitutes as victims because they were easy to pick up without being noticed. I knew they would not be reported missing right away and might never be reported missing. "I thought I could kill as many of them as I wanted without getting caught.” He confessed to having murdered ninety women. Sadly some Seattle prostitutes, their boyfriends or pimps, knew the Green River Killer was Gary Ridgeway for years, but were afraid to come forward for fear of getting arrested, or the police didn't believe those that did come forward, or the police didn't seem to care. Ridgeway's killing spree went on for over twenty years.
Violent crimes against sex workers go underreported, unaddressed and unpunished. There really are people who don't care when prostitutes are victims of hate crimes, beaten, raped, and murdered. No matter what you think about sex workers and the politics surrounding them, sex workers are a part of our neighborhoods, communities and families.
When Ridgeway was finally caught, I felt a need to memorialize my whore sisters that had died so horribly and needlessly. I cared, and I knew other people cared too. So I got together with Robyn Few, Founder of the Sex Worker Outreach Project, and SWOP members Stacey Swimme and Michael Fowley, and we claimed Dec. 17th as the International Day to End violence Against Sex Workers. We invited people to do memorials, vigils, and their chosen kind of events in their countries and cities. We produced a vigil at San Francisco's City Hall. To date hundreds of people around the world have done dozens of memorials, actions, and events of all kinds, and the participation is growing. Won't you join us? Here's how.
- Organize a vigil/memorial/gathering in your town. Simply choose a place and time. Invite people to bring their stories, writings, thoughts, related news items, poems, lists of victims, performances, and memories. Take turns sharing.
- Organize or attend a candlelight vigil in a public place.
- Do something at home alone which has personal meaning, such as a memorial bath, or light a candle.
- Call a friend and discuss the topic.
- Send a donation to a group that helps sex workers stay safer. Some teach self-defense or host web sites that caution workers about bad Johns. Donate to Sex Worker Outreach Project.
- Read the Sex Workers Outreach Project's web site,, Do let others know about any planned Dec. 17 events by listing them on the site. (Although sadly this site is not current and I’m not sure if someone is following through on this.) There is also a wikipedia entry about Dec. 17 which you can read.
- Spread the word about the Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers and the issues it raises; blog, email, send a press release, forward this text to others.
- Attend a Dec. 17th Day to End Violence event/action/memorial. Everyone is welcome.
- Organize a panel discussion about violence towards sex workers. Procure a community space and invite speakers like sex workers, police, and families of victims.
- Create your own way to participate. People have done celebrations, Xmas caroling, protests at jails, lobbying at City Halls, naked women reading whore writings, performance art, visual art projects, and other creative, fun and moving things.
Each year when I attend a gathering on Dec. 17 for International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers it is always a deeply moving experience. I take some moments to feel grateful that I worked as a prostitute for twenty years and came out alive and well. I remember those who didn't survive and I fear for those who won't until some real changes are made.
In San Francisco we are in the process of organizing a whole events for Dec. 17. A city hall press conference, a memorial ritual at Center for Sex and Culture, and “Naked Women Reading” sex worker writings (Lady Monster’s Event).
Start organizing now! You’ll be glad you did. The fact that sex workers themselves organize the Dec. 17 day creates good press interest (it has been in many papers including NY Times) and helps garner compassion and understanding of how the bad, unfair laws against prostitution hurt so many. But then sex workers of all kinds (legal sex work) can be targets of acts of violence as well.
In whore pride solidarity,
Annie M. Sprinkle