Originally Posted by Peanut
Back when I first got into this hobby there is one that I started to have feelings for, so I backed off and found another lady to see.
Now with experience under my belt I only fall in love one hour at a time.
Tried that now I'm hooked on MANY, LOL
Originally Posted by Valentine Michael
Ive become infatuated with a provider before. Still am to one degree or another. But I was never under the illusion our relationship was any thing other than pay for play and always try to act accordingly. Sometimes I think I should just not see her at all. It's difficult to always have complete control of your thoughts or feelings, but I do thik we can control our actions.
+1 so this is the way I am now, but with MANY, LOL
So now I have to work Harder & Smarter to maintain Hobby funds needed for all (feel like a Mormon out of control), LOL