Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well a first small step WW is to look in the mirror, before we tackle world issues we have to fix problems at home.
When we have a POTUS who is elected fairly and wins 2 elections and we have people who didn't vote for him constantly wish for his downfall every single day we will never get anywhere.
I am amazed of all people that you would start a "Peace" thread when you have hatred for your own POTUS. If everyone is going to be a sour grape because the person you vote for didn't win we will never get anything accomplished.
Education is also a small step- we have to get people educated and to become working and productive citizens in this country.
People need to vote- although it would never happen in this country- but I wouldn't be against a law where you would get fined if you didn't vote- there's one country - can't recall where if you don't vote you could get fined or face jail time.
It really amazed me of the stupidity of a lot of people in this country- people will camp outside for hours for an Iphone or for Black Friday sales and yet won't take that time out to stand in a line to vote on issues that will affect this country in the long run- and I could care less what party you vote for- get out and fucking vote.
Keep in mind, I am African American- why does it take a Trayvon Martin or a Mike Brown incident to get AA's united? If I take all those people who are protesting in Ferguson- I bet less than 5 percent of them voted in this past mid term elections.
So before we tackle world peace we need to fix problems at home.