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Old 10-25-2014, 10:16 PM   #1
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Default Cost:Volume ratio

Is it really safe to assume that lower consideration means higher volume and vice versa? I mean really how many hobbyists can one lady entertain in a day? What's the competitive advantage of going over a $$$, and are there and ladies brave enough to divulge if they would go through the same amount at any rate level?

I've seen both sides, just seeking perspectives.
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Old 10-25-2014, 10:28 PM   #2
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I cut volume down drastically by raising my rate. However, I still make a killing. The reason is that most of my dates are multi-hour. It's hard to explain, but the lower my rate was, the less amount of time the guys would ask for. I love the way my business runs now.
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Old 10-25-2014, 10:38 PM   #3
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I guess there is a Cost:Gross Income ratio also.

I saw a $$$50 once, and I was so let down I went straight to a $80 and had much better time. It's gamble either way IMO, why take the chance. Of course research helps.
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Old 10-25-2014, 10:59 PM   #4
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I personally have never cared for being a high volume provider. I have always kept my rates pretty steady and reasonable. I think basing your decision off the $$$ amount will never lead anywhere good. Just be sure to ask around and like the guy above me said, do your research. Its always a gamble. I know I've seen girls posting on BP their 50 and 60 dollar specials, to me it could go 50/50. She may just really need the money for something and that is why she is having the special or she isn't that great of a provider and thinks being super cheap will earn her a quick buck. Which i guess it could but then she has to deal with the type of people that will pay $50 for a girl. I could never do that!
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Old 10-25-2014, 11:10 PM   #5
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Simple economics= supply and demand....some people feel you get what you pay for an automatically go higher. Some people always want a bargain and wait for the sales. Different strokes I guess.

I look for the person....then decide if I have the budget.

We are all different and therefore gravitate towards different situations.

Less volume and higher rates or more volume and lower rates. The two will get you different clientele and and each will decide on their level of acceptance.

In my opinion.....if you can afford it.....go for yummy. . She is the best choice in h-town by far.
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Old 10-25-2014, 11:15 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Anna Berle View Post
I personally have never cared for being a high volume provider. I have always kept my rates pretty steady and reasonable. I think basing your decision off the $$$ amount will never lead anywhere good. Just be sure to ask around and like the guy above me said, do your research. Its always a gamble. I know I've seen girls posting on BP their 50 and 60 dollar specials, to me it could go 50/50. She may just really need the money for something and that is why she is having the special or she isn't that great of a provider and thinks being super cheap will earn her a quick buck. Which i guess it could but then she has to deal with the type of people that will pay $50 for a girl. I could never do that!

Or maybe her pimp just really needs the money....

A lot of Eccie guys paying that $50 rate. Again. Checkout LexiPaige. Cute girl who was doing a great job BCD. But the other drama is why guys stop going see her. $200 - $400 providers is a 50/50 chance, too. If I will pay $200 and up I need to see credible reviews by credible reviewers. I know which reviewers I believe or not.

I know this one guy on here help me out several times when I asked about someone.... I respect him for that. I can always count on his word when it come to if a provider is legit or not.
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Old 10-25-2014, 11:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Hotboyz View Post
I know this one guy on here help me out several times when I asked about someone.... I respect him for that. I can always count on his word when it come to if a provider is legit or not.
One guy = pxmcc ?
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Old 10-25-2014, 11:55 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by jazzguy View Post
Simple economics= supply and demand....some people feel you get what you pay for an automatically go higher.
Less volume and higher rates or more volume and lower rates. The two will get you different clientele and and each will decide on their level of acceptance.
I know this jazzy, I guess the question was, what are the odds that higher bread=less dckis to lick up after. Or a guarantee that even though "We are all different and therefore gravitate towards different situations" that a H$Hs isn't always going to give your desired stimulanations. I guess it depends on the lady as much as the guy. Oh wait, thanks ECCIE for the help on research.

I'm curious about the complex statistics on it. What the proportion of the population that decreases for every incremental 50 increase? what is the average decrease in volume for every incremental increase in 50? And then there's the whole marketing research aspect too. What's the relationship to higher cost to hobbiest satisfaction? Nah nevermind, I'm more curious about BCD skills.

I guess it like it like choosing bets in horse-racing if you give fuck about it. Oh and someone go ahead and please misinterpret that last statement.

Yummy has had my attention since it was $$50.

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Old 10-26-2014, 03:14 AM   #9
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As both Yummy and Anne have touched on, women always say that the demographic of clientele does change at various pricing strata. There is overlap of course but in general it does not appear to be the same pool of clients shopping at the $150 price point as it is at the $400 price point. The things they are looking for and value (outside of great sex which is a given requirement) may be different. Any perusing through the various Hookernomics threads on this board will clearly show these differences to be present.

Originally Posted by animitasenthe View Post
Is it really safe to assume that lower consideration means higher volume and vice versa? I mean really how many hobbyists can one lady entertain in a day? What's the competitive advantage of going over a $$$, and are there and ladies brave enough to divulge if they would go through the same amount at any rate level?

I've seen both sides, just seeking perspectives.
Of course not, that's making some very huge assumptions.

It's safe to assume that, ceteris paribus (holding everything else constant), lower prices will result in more quantity demanded for a lady's services. The Law of Demand holds true for all businesses regardless of the good or service being sold.

Whether or not a lady actually IS higher volume even with demand for it depends on other variables such as her desired number of clients per day/week/month as well as her ability/desire to keep quality constant... All sole proprietor business owner/operators in service industries face the same fundamental problem, relatively severe Supply Constraints. There is a point at which the demand cannot be met at all or cannot be met without a sacrifice in quality. A provider may have enough excess demand that raising prices does not in fact cause demand to drop below her supply constraints, thus having essentially zero negative impact on her business while increasing profit/session. Even if it does decrease her demand below her comfortable maximum output, the corresponding increase in profit may be such that it results in a net gain regardless and leaves time for other things. Every business owner's goal right?

The question "how many hobbyists can one lady entertain in a day" is too simplistic as it ignores quality of service and length of appointment. The answer is still variable depending on the lady.

Regardless, there IS a maximum capacity number and it is essentially a hard limit as a sole proprietorship owner/operator service business of one employee has limited scalability. Every provider is different as to the maximum number of hours worth of sessions she feels comfortable having per day/week/month

This hard limit means that one has no idea whether that $400 provider is operating at her maximum capacity just like the $150 provider and hers. Ceteris paribus, their maximum capacity, i.e. supply constraints, will be the same. With enough demand they could both be operating at capacity and, if they are good at their job, you'd never be the wiser.

A lady may CHOOSE to operate at lower than absolute maximum capacity even if she has demand for it. Reasons for that are legion but may have to do with quality of life, work/life balance, valuing longer term sustainability over short term gain, burnout prevention, alternate income streams, etc...

Your second question involves competitive advantage. Obviously the more a business can charge for it's services and still retain enough demand to operate at its desired output the better it will be compared to other businesses. Competitive advantages take two main forms, cost advantage and differentiation advantage. Since we're talking about providers who charge MORE for services they obviously have no cost advantage.

But, what sets providers apart from each other is differentiation advantage via looks, menu, quality of service and experience they provide, marketing prowess, target client demographic, attitude, review history, etc. Girls with a differentiation advantage will almost certainly have an easier time sustaining demand at higher price points. These same girls will also have more freedom to choose their particular comfortable level of output while still achieving their financial goals.

Originally Posted by animitasenthe View Post
I guess there is a Cost:Gross Income ratio also.

I saw a $$$50 once, and I was so let down I went straight to a $80 and had much better time. It's gamble either way IMO, why take the chance. Of course research helps.
You can't calculate gross income without a measure of quantity sold. One would have to make assumptions about quantity demanded based on cost. As shown above, this ignores supply constraints which may nullify much of this mechanism. Obviously if there were two providers each operating at their maximum capacity then the one charging higher rates would have a higher Gross Income. Holding quantity sold constant, the corresponding cost:gross profit ratio would obviously be higher though I'm not sure how this is useful.

The second part of your comment is rather silly as it is an anecdotal sample size of one. I've had great sessions at <$150 and also terrible sessions. The same can be said of my sessions costing >$300. I'm not sure what this proves nor the relationship to the other things being discussed here.

Originally Posted by animitasenthe View Post
I'm curious about the complex statistics on it. What the proportion of the population that decreases for every incremental 50 increase? what is the average decrease in volume for every incremental increase in 50? And then there's the whole marketing research aspect too. What's the relationship to higher cost to hobbiest satisfaction? Nah nevermind, I'm more curious about BCD skills.
Ignoring the fact that you're once again making assumptions about volume decreasing by necessity rather than choice, now what you're talking about is Price Elasticity of Demand, i.e. the responsiveness of the quantity demanded for a good/service to changes in its price. You can't look at it in terms of values though like $50 you have to look at it it terms of percentage change. If you really wanted to calculate it you'd need the data set and then one method would be to take any two points and calculate the absolute value of the delta in quantity demanded divided by the absolute value of the delta in price. A number higher than 1 means that for each 1% percent change in price there is a greater than 1% opposing change in quantity demanded.

We don't need data to use some basic knowledge of economics and say that luxury goods and services (things which are not necessities) tend to have high elasticity of demand. My guess is that the data would show this to be true regarding Provider pricing, i.e. the responsiveness of quantity demanded to price is likely high.

The relationship between higher cost and hobbyist satisfaction is interesting but ultimately highly variable depending on the product/service right? Things which cost more do tend to have a higher perceived value and so do services which are nicely packaged with good advertising. You can take the same product or service, package it differently and present it in a more professional way and you'll be able to charge more for it and have satisfaction remain equal. Then again, what is the total utility of two $200 sessions vs one $400 session? How would we quantify it? At what point does the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility begin to affect sessions with providers? But again, you didn't mention those things at all, your question is merely about cost and thus is too overly simplistic for a real answer.
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Old 10-26-2014, 03:28 AM   #10
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Do we have to use the fucked up fee code in casual conversation?

.... or even dollar signs? We know the currency.

I get $$$50. But more often than not, an $80 or $50 special gets confusing. Especially when mentioning bp.
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Old 10-26-2014, 04:47 AM   #11
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I bought a fee code book for $80. I wasn't learning anything so I returned it for $10. Later I traded it for a stats book and 50 dollars. I obviously didn't learn anything from the stats book either.
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Old 10-26-2014, 05:28 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Sarunga View Post
One guy = pxmcc ?
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Old 10-26-2014, 08:28 AM   #13
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All I know is the higher rate girls have not always been my best experience even though their location was far superior.

Lower rates have produced some terrific girls but I feel like I need to bring my weapon to their incall.

I guess that's why the search goes on.
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Old 10-26-2014, 08:59 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by animitasenthe View Post
Is it really safe to assume that lower consideration means higher volume and vice versa? I mean really how many hobbyists can one lady entertain in a day? What's the competitive advantage of going over a $$$, and are there and ladies brave enough to divulge if they would go through the same amount at any rate level?

I've seen both sides, just seeking perspectives.
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Old 10-26-2014, 10:02 AM   #15
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You will never, ever get a definite answer on this. The reason is because every single lady brings something different to the table. Some of these things are good, and some are bad. And every lady has a different set of goals or ideas on how she wants to do business. I've known $150 ladies who did maybe a few appointments a week. And then I've known $400-$600 ladies who consistently work 5-7 hours a day. While I THINK it is true that the opposite is more common, the fact is that it is all extremely variable. It is futile to try to figure out cost vs. volume in this business as it will be different for each and every lady for a myriad of reasons.

If you are hung up on thinking about how many dicks she's had already that day, then either pick providers who are likely to have excellent hygiene and stop being a hypocrite, or perhaps this is the wrong playground for you. If you want someone who has no other dicks in her life, get a wife (and even that isn't a guarantee).
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