Originally Posted by tinyisgreat
why most girls are not interested in buffalo or at least being on the buffalo board. beuatiful women avail to suck and fuck us but all folks wanna do is talk smack and stupidity... jimmie this homie that.. like fucking idiots. theres gotta be a million places people can talk smack and shit and put each other down how bout we keep this one open for guys who like beautiful women and having sex with them is that so fucking crazy
Thank you.
If more members, including providers, posted as forcefully against this board being hijacked by just a few very rotten swine, perhaps we could gain some traction.
Why more voices are not raised in protest is a surprise. That lets the egregious few get away with impunity, feeling that no checks and balances exist.
Moderators are supposed to keep all discussions on topic and civil. Personal attacks are immediately removed and the posters banned. We find banned members continuing to post!! Perhaps those codes are absent on ECCIE?
Calling providers ugly names and behaving like filth is unacceptable. Both Moderators and fellow members need to make their presence felt. If animals are defecating on your front porch, do you allow them to continue or to stop them with a firm hand? That is your prerogative as civil humans to discipline, and not theirs to persist in their perverse conduct, befouling the entire neighborhood.