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Old 10-20-2014, 02:29 PM   #1
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Default approach for finding out more info.

I'm sure this has been covered before but a question I have is how do you find out and/or discuss info/donations/services of a provider when they do not list these things on a post? I see it a million times where a provider puts up a post with basically a "here I am" post with no info other than a number. They won't talk about anything else on the phone, text or email. I understand this. But do you really expect a guy to go into a situation not knowing a damn thing about what to expect? Or is this normal and I'm just weird?

I prefer to know what the donation is, services offered, etc.. This is how I make my decision on who to see. I actually had a girl tell me that we could talk about everything when I arrived. I asked how much money to bring and she said as much as I like. Sounded like a perfect set up for a mugging. Now I will say that most posts here have most of the info a person would need and I'm sure other sites like this are the same. This is why I always ask if someone has reviews. It saves me from asking a lot of questions. But there are many more who aren't on sites like these.

What are your thoughts? How do you ask without raising flags or getting hung up on? I open this to anyone, providers too. I feel like there is a secret code I missed even though I've been around for awhile.
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Old 10-20-2014, 03:29 PM   #2
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Research before you contact them.

If she's on here then click on her showcase and read her reviews. Some girls have websites where they will list their "considerations", almost always the link to her website will be in the showcase.

If she is not on here google her "stage name" and phone number. She should be reviewed somewhere or have a website....if not then for your own safety pass on that provider.

Activities are usually not discussed while setting up an appointment. Asking "how much do I bring?" is kind of a weird question. Try "I would like to spend an hour in your company. How much is your presence for an hour?" That is the LAST RESORT after you have exhausted the other methods. You run the risk of coming off as lazy hobbyist or not that intelligent. First impressions matter.

Researching a new girl should only take five minutes of your time.....assuming you aren't on dial-up.

Or you could just pony up for P411 where all that information is readily available.
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Old 10-20-2014, 03:32 PM   #3
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Well, that is a very reasonable question to ask.

I know that some very high-end providers try to be coy about their rates in some hopes that high-rollers will pay whatever she asks.

. . . Personally, I would not go in blind about her rates and if she won't tell me then I simply won't schedule.

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Old 10-20-2014, 04:21 PM   #4
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Say you are planning on spending an hour and would be embarrassed if you didn't bring enough. Assume that's her hourly rate and plan accordingly.

Some ladies really are that flexible and/or vague, and many times they are in a high price point. But they also attract men who aren't all that concerned about money or specific menu services. They enjoy the adventure and unknown.

If those types of things are important to you, then simply pick a provider that advertises all of the info you need. Trying to get it out of one of he other ones probably won't end well.
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Old 10-20-2014, 04:23 PM   #5
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To the OP, no, you are not weird. You should want to know the donation and services offered before going into any date. For me, I will not fall for a girl who is coy or effusive about donation and/or services. If her ad/post is vague, you have every right to ask her in subsequent follow up communication. In situations where I'm uncertain, I do this. I first make initial/casual contact with the lady to show my interest and wait for her reply. When she replies, I look to see if she offers up any more possible specific info about herself. If it is still lacking what I want to know, I contact her a second time and ask if she minds a few questions. I again wait. Now, by the time we are onto round 3 of our communications, I start asking the specifics-- price, services, amount of time, etc. Most girls usually will feel comfortable with a guy after several rounds of communication. You almost have to treat it like setting up a date with a civie-- be nice, be polite and be respectful

Another thing to do piggy backs off of what SA said. Do your research. If you've read the reviews, you should already know what she offers and for how much. You probably have 90% of your questions answered. In situations like this, I usually initiate the communication, and then for my own piece of mind, I ask her our date would be similar to what I've read in reviews. If she says yes, then no need to push for any more info since you know from the reviews what to expect. Now, I will say this. If you have a very specific question, don't hesitate to ask her. Be polite, but I've found that when it doubt, ask. It will help avoid any miscommunication when it comes to the donation or the services. The last thing you want is for their to be confusion and when the date happens, expectations are not met.
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Old 10-20-2014, 04:59 PM   #6
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When they tell me to bring as much as I like I book 2 hours and take a fresh pack of Newport 100s and a lone Jackson. Then I don't discuss rates at all.
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Old 10-22-2014, 06:47 PM   #7
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Thanks for the input. Glad it's not just me. I'm learning that when it doubt, search the number and if it comes up with multiple names and/or different photos just to avoid them. If they were legit and really wanted business, they would offer up a little more than they do. I just don't understand the point in wasting the time to run the adds. Maybe someday. Actually I would rather not understand because that means I was a sucker. Anyway it's good to know I'm not the only one with this question. Thanks again!
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Old 10-22-2014, 06:53 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by FinnedAgain View Post
I actually had a girl tell me that we could talk about everything when I arrived. I asked how much money to bring and she said as much as I like. Sounded like a perfect set up for a mugging. Now I will say that most posts here have most of the info a person would need and I'm sure other sites like this are the same. This is why I always ask if someone has reviews. It saves me from asking a lot of questions.
I can tell you, if I'm looking at a provider who does not list a donation either here, P411, or her own web site... I won't book. Heck, if I have to read her reviews to get an idea of the donation, then I don't have time to see her, there are way too many ladies who do provide that information.. more than I currently have time and funds to see, so why use scarce resources to see a lady who won't tell me how much to bring?

A provider replies like that to me, I thank her for her time and move on.
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Old 10-23-2014, 07:52 AM   #9
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I do find it amusing when they don't list rates or services anywhere, then proceeds to post
any mention of services or money will end our session immediately

What am I, a mind reader?

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Old 10-23-2014, 08:23 AM   #10
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The ones that have different rates on different sites and then you ask them what their rate is and they say "its always been X" .. well then why is your rate different on every site?

many hobbyists also are members of different sites and p411 etc. so we see all of that
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Old 10-23-2014, 02:15 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jackpotvinny View Post
I do find it amusing when they don't list rates or services anywhere, then proceeds to post
any mention of services or money will end our session immediately

What am I, a mind reader?

No, not expected to read their minds, just hand over a signed blank check!!
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Old 10-23-2014, 05:29 PM   #12
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I find it amusing the OP has been on icky four years yet does not know how the hobby works ...
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Old 10-23-2014, 05:43 PM   #13
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Reviews are a start. Those are important even if the acronyms are posted, mainly because many providers are YMMV.

Most providers will answer this question on the phone. There are a few that won't. Obviously its your call how you respond, but providers that won't answer this question aren't worth your business. There are plenty of fantastic providers out there. So move along.
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