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Old 10-16-2014, 08:28 AM   #1
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Default Question what do you think the over/under is for Ebola deaths in this country in the next 6 months? Can you Tea'billies count past 10?

I say under 10?

In six months this will all be much ado about nothing.

Anyone else care to make a prediction?

We know LexusLiar won't. He likes to comment after the game is over on what should have been done. It is a personality disorder.
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Old 10-16-2014, 08:34 AM   #2
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I'll say 8. And take the under.

But I will say out of Dallas for a while... Except of course to meet IBHomo and let him try and kick my ass with his bare fists.
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Old 10-16-2014, 08:43 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post

In six months this will all be much ado about nothing.
Unless you're related to one of the 10. Typical liberal attitude. Needless deaths are something to be forgotten unless they were caused by Republicans.
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Old 10-16-2014, 08:45 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I'll say 8. And take the under.

Damn....I think you will win unless someone goes lower!
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Old 10-16-2014, 08:47 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by filbone View Post
Unless you're related to one of the 10. Typical liberal attitude. Needless deaths are something to be forgotten unless they were caused by Republicans.
I said under 10 dickhead....it might be Zero.

Typical Tea'billy , missed the point. You alarmist are acting like it will be in the thousands. I call bullshit. Make a prediction or STFU.
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Old 10-16-2014, 09:13 AM   #6
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It's difficult to say. In about 15 days, we will know if anybody else was infected due to the misshaps treating the 1st patient, Mr Duncan. If not, I doubt there will be any.

If however, in 15 days, more than a couple of people come down with it, then, depending on the number of people they were in contact with while being contagious, the number could grow substantially.

Hopefully we have a handle on it.
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Old 10-16-2014, 10:49 AM   #7
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Just heard on the radio 740 11:00 am news update that the worst case estimation is 12 deaths. I think they said by the end of the year but I could be mistaken. 4 hospitals in the country are equipped to handle Ebola cases.
Sorry, don't remember who they were citing and can't find any links yet. I'll post them when I do.

WHO has indicated that the incubation period may be more than 21 days now.
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Old 10-16-2014, 11:30 AM   #8
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Why To Be Worried — But Not To Be Scared
Given everything that’s happened, who can blame Americans for being nervous?
Officials stressed the Ebola epidemic in Africa was going to be contained. Then it mushroomed to the worst Ebola outbreak in history and jumped an ocean, as a Liberian man named Thomas E. Duncan brought the disease to Texas this week.
The CDC then vowed that they would “stop Ebola in its tracks.” But starting on Tuesday, U.S. officials began contradicting themselves. First they said that Duncan had potentially exposed 18 other people, before revising that estimate to nearly 80 people, before revising it again to 100 people (as of Thursday night).
The contradictory responses don’t inspire confidence. Nor do the challenges at the Texas hospital that initially received Duncan but sent him home for four days because staff didn’t realize he’d been in Liberia.
Even ZMapp — the Ebola-fighting wonder drug that may have helped save the lives of several Ebola patients who were treated at Emory this summer — indirectly shows the failures of the U.S. health system.


We tend to be most scared of that which we know the least about. Ask someone deathly afraid of snakes what they know about them and it will be relatively little if anything.
What is currently stirring the fear is that we are getting mixed messages. It's not easy to catch but we find out that nurses wearing protective gear contracted it. Now the CDC says that they may have contracted it because they were wearing too much protective gear.
The lack of consistent information does not give confidence to those who want to try educate themselves and understand the disease.
Then there is complete misinformation about entire towns being quarantined, by satirical websites, which stirs everyone up.
Three schools were closed today around Dallas because students were on that flight with the nurse that traveled from Cleveland to Dallas and they are scrubbing the schools down.

The WHO is not endorsing using temperature scanners at airports because they say it will cause panic.
Sounds like the panic has started and is growing quickly. It could very well be more dangerous than the disease itself. At this point who knows? Until we start getting consistent answers from sources we have confidence in the panic will continue.
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Old 10-16-2014, 12:14 PM   #9
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Before you all bet any serious money, you ought to listen carefully to the subcommittee testimony live right now with the CDC-Czar answering questions along with a couple of "government" doctors and a rep from ICE on "screening" ....

ICE says that miss around 2,500 to 3,000 people a year at the current rate of "screening" (only 94% of those entering the U.S. which means roughly 700 or so NOT SCREENED by the end of this year, with an increase due to the "holidays" coming. From that area!

#2: the hospitals do NOT HAVE the personal protection equipment that the CDC Director had when he was in Africa, which was obviously (and admittedly) superior to that described and depicted in the CDC protocol given to the hospitals AFTER the recent death and AFTER the health care workers were diagnosed .... (it was published in this mornings Dallas Morning News. The difference: The "protocol" gear doesn't cover all the skin and consequently the worker cannot be "sanitized" with a chlorine wash like they could be with the equipment worn by the CDC director.

This shit about blaming the healthcare workers and not knowing the problem is just that... SHIT! They (the administration) are admitting they lack adequate protection for healthcare workers (and apparently the military sent to Africa).
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Old 10-16-2014, 01:21 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I said under 10 dickhead....it might be Zero.
But you said it with a question mark, which leads me to believe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
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Old 10-16-2014, 01:36 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Just heard on the radio 740 11:00 am news update that the worst case estimation is 12 deaths. I think they said by the end of the year but I could be mistaken. 4 hospitals in the country are equipped to handle Ebola cases.
Sorry, don't remember who they were citing and can't find any links yet. I'll post them when I do.

WHO has indicated that the incubation period may be more than 21 days now.
Sorry, it was two dozen not one and in the next two months based on a computer model.

The actual story has much more rational reporting about the possibility of spreading than the headline would suggest. Another example of irresponsibility in the media IMO.

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Old 10-16-2014, 01:45 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Sorry, it was two dozen not one and in the next two months based on a computer model.

The actual story has much more rational reporting about the possibility of spreading than the headline would suggest. Another example of irresponsibility in the media IMO.
"computer model"????

You mean like ....."001000100100000111100001 01010101000001010"

There are (or were) members of the administration providing testimony about the realities and the preparedness (or lack there of is better).

Didn't the Department of Health and Human Services run a "computer model" on the "Affordable Health Care Act"?
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Old 10-16-2014, 01:56 PM   #13
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The OP has not read John Donne (look it up) but he does demonstrate the difference between a conservative and a liberal. To us each death is a tragedy because each person is an individual. To the liberal we are all part of a great collective and ten, a hundred, a thousand deaths is all part of the process towards a great universal left wing government.

As for these numbers being thrown out, they are from the same people that said Ebola would not come here, that you could keep your health insurance, that the website would work, and that there shovel ready jobs. I'll wait and watch. Anyone know how the family of Duncan is doing?
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Old 10-16-2014, 01:59 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
"computer model"????

You mean like ....."001000100100000111100001 01010101000001010"

There are (or were) members of the administration providing testimony about the realities and the preparedness (or lack there of is better).

Didn't the Department of Health and Human Services run a "computer model" on the "Affordable Health Care Act"?
Yeah, that's why I was sure to say it was based on a computer model.

The report actually goes on to say that the likelyhood is that there will never be more than 20 cases in the US or Europe based on several factors that they explain. They also say what I said earlier. The panic can be just as dangerous.
This is why I said a couple of days ago it is important to educate yourself. Of course I was ridiculed and insulted for that statement. Oh well.
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Old 10-16-2014, 02:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

As for these numbers being thrown out, they are from the same people that said Ebola would not come here, that you could keep your health insurance, that the website would work, and that there shovel ready jobs. I'll wait and watch. Anyone know how the family of Duncan is doing?

The numbers I just cited are coming from the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy. They are a non profit that appears on the surface to be apolitical. I did say "appears" Hell, who really knows anymore.
I read their reports and felt a little more comfortable with them than some of the other sensationalizing I've been seeing. They seem to be more clinical without the BS.
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