Originally Posted by Rxo
RTP should change it's name to Recap the Pimp! That guy is unbelievable in his quest to be King of the "mongers". it wasn't enough that he was making up reviews and making up girls( oh Tiffany for instance). He is now setting up deals with out of town girls before they get here! That's not only promoting prostitution via MO law but is the Mann Act via fed law! What a complete idiot.He's like the guy picking his nose in his car thinking no one can see him. LE is looking at these sites and therefor looking at him.
Ego gets ya every time. And oh yeah Recap snapping on your RTP brothers really shows how far down the rabbit hole you are lol!
RXO. LOL. You are one stupid broad! The biggest freakin joke ever!
**The first thing ignoramus: I've never made up a review ever! Every review I've ever done has been true.
**Second thing: Hobbying is illegal, writing reviews are a form of pimping/promoting, telling girls what hotels to stay at, telling girls what sites to advertise on, buying pussy and anything and everything related to the hobby is illegal dumb ass! Every last hobbyist/provider has broken the law!
**Third thing: I've never proclaimed to be the king of the mongers. I've never
sought that title. Those, such as yourself that think that, suffer from low self-
esteem, but in your case retardation!
RXO, the last time you tried to start some crap, the moderators closed each and every thread. Get a life!!! Grow up!!