Originally Posted by TheAntichrist666
A good friend of mines has been married for the past 15 years and he is planning to get a divorce soon. I asked him why he wants to divorce his good looking wife and he told me that she doesn't want to have sex with him anymore. She admitted to him that she "hates sex". He hasn't had sex with his wife for the last 2 years and he can't take it anymore. My friend is tired of it, he is tired of drooling over and daydreaming about other ladies because she doesn't wanna take care of him sexually, he wants to leave that unproductive relationship. I don't blame him for wanting to divorce her. I believe his wife is being very selfish and unfair to him.
I have a lot of trouble understanding people who hate SEX .
Why do they hate something that is so wonderful ?
Why do they hate something that is fun and that feels so good ?
Why do they hate SEX ?
I'd like to share some rambling comments.
(1) Dopamine receptors and levels in the brain are different for many people. Generally speaking Dopamine is the pleasure receptor that can affect libido and tumescence. Some people just have no drive and desire for sex. One of my aunt's is a retired scientist with a PHD and she never married or even had a boyfriend from all reports. Just wasn't interested in it.
(2) I believe in money over pleasure (or as Tupac would say: "Money Over Bitches" ) but I do wonder sometimes how much more I could accomplish in life if I took being a sex fiend out of the equation.
(3) In your friend's case I would say you're only getting half the story you don't know what he's doing or has done to drive her to that point. I don't believe your friend waited 2 yrs in celibacy before coming to this divorce conclusion.
(4) If she's fairly young and also not in her 40's (sexual peak) then it's likely she's sleeping with someone else.
self edit:
(5) or maybe he's not hitting it right or more importantly not earning enough cheese / enough bread to keep her pussy wet.