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Old 07-03-2014, 10:53 AM   #1
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Default Koch brothers buying influence with Texas goobernatorial candidate Abbott

Abbott trades lives for campaign contributions....allows Koch brothers to escape any type of official scrutiny regarding where and how they store the explosive fertilizers like the type that blew up and killed 15 and injured 160 last April in West, Texas. Abbott takes $75,000 and being taxied around in the Koch brothers' private jet.

Shameful fucking behavior.

From the Dallas Morning News. Wayne Slater is the same political reporter that all of you knuckledraggers were applauding for his expose on Wendy Davis earlier this year so let's not hear any sort of whining about a liberal and biased media, eh dumbfucks?


Money from Koch interests flows to governor candidate Greg Abbott

File/Staff Photo
Attorney General Greg Abbott was on hand in April 2013 as Texas Department of Public Safety Sgt. Jason Reyes briefed the media about the explosion that rocked West.

WAYNE SLATER The Dallas Morning News Senior Political Writer
Published: 01 July 2014 11:05 PM
Updated: 02 July 2014 07:42 AM


AUSTIN — Five months after an ammonium nitrate explosion that killed 15 people in West, Attorney General Greg Abbott received a $25,000 contribution from a first-time donor to his political campaigns — the head of Koch Industries’ fertilizer division.
The donor, Chase Koch, is the son of one of the billionaire brothers atop Koch Industries’ politically influential business empire.

Abbott, who has since been criticized for allowing Texas chemical facilities to keep secret the contents of their plants, received more than $75,000 from Koch interests after the April 2013 explosion at the West Fertilizer Co. storage and distribution facility, campaign finance records filed with the state showed.

The West accident focused public attention on the storage of potentially dangerous chemicals across Texas and regulatory gaps in prevention, data-gathering, enforcement and disclosure to prevent explosions in the future. In addition to the 15 deaths, scores of people were injured, and homes and businesses were leveled.
The issue has re-emerged for Abbott in his run for governor. The Republican nominee recently declared that records on what chemicals the facilities stored could remain hidden, citing state laws meant to deter potential terrorist threats.

The campaign of his Democratic opponent, Wendy Davis, has charged Abbott with protecting campaign donors. On Tuesday, Abbott struggled to explain how Texans might learn of dangerous chemicals in their midst.

“You know where they are if you drive around,” Abbott told reporters at an event in Austin. “You can ask every facility whether or not they have chemicals or not. You can ask them if they do and they can tell you, ‘Well, we do have chemicals or we don’t have chemicals.’ And if they do, they tell which ones they have.”

After the West disaster, The Dallas Morning News identified 74 facilities in Texas as having at least 10,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate or ammonium-related material, including a Koch subsidiary, the Georgia-Pacific Gypsum plant in Sweetwater. The subsidiary now makes a nitrogen fertilizer, not the same product as the one that exploded in West.

Industrialists Charles and David Koch have created sprawling political and fund-raising networks that bankroll Republican candidates and business-friendly causes. Their groups are poised to spend millions of dollars to help Republicans win the Senate this fall, and the brothers, who are largely quiet about their political activities, have emerged as the Democrats' biggest-spending political bogeymen. Opponents warn the Kochs are trying to undo health and safety regulations to benefit their conservative agenda.

Opinion from May
For decades, Texans wanting to know about companies keeping such chemicals could find out from the state.

But Abbott has said that those records are closed. And the state agency that collects and maintains information on large chemical supplies has stopped sharing it with the public.

Abbott contends his opinion, issued in May, strikes a balance. On Tuesday, he called it a “win-win” that keeps information about large chemical inventories off the website of the Department of State Health Services but doesn’t forbid homeowners from asking companies in their neighborhoods what they store.

He said companies should respond within 10 days, but it’s not clear what penalties, if any, private companies face if they decline to tell a member of the public what chemicals are on site.

In blocking public access to the information, Abbott cited a state security statute passed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

A Davis aide rebuked Abbott for the remarks.

“The only thing more outrageous than Greg Abbott keeping the location of chemical facilities secret is telling Texas parents they literally need to go door to door in order to find out if their child’s school is in the blast radius of dangerous explosives,” said spokesman Zac Petkanas. “Parents have a right to know whether their kids are playing hopscotch next door to the type of facility that exploded in West.”
An attorney general’s opinion carries the weight of law unless modified or overturned by a court or lawmakers.

Abbott campaign spokesman Matt Hirsch did not respond to requests for comment about the Koch donations.

Chemical interests
As attorney general, Abbott has issued several opinions instructing agencies, including the Department of State Health Services and the state environmental quality agency, to withhold information about facilities storing so-called Tier II chemicals.

Chemical interests have donated thousands of dollars to Abbott’s political campaigns, according to state records. He has received more than $50,000 from political committees for Chevron, Dow Chemical, Lyondell and DuPont and thousands more from chemical company executives. Abbott has raised a total of tens of millions of dollars for several statewide campaigns.

As for Koch, much of its money to Abbott came within a few weeks last year. The company did not respond to a request for comment.

Chase Koch donated $25,000 in September, shortly after his father, Koch board chairman Charles Koch, also gave $25,000. The Koch Industries political committee sent Abbott $25,000 in November.

In addition, the company flew Abbott on a company jet in August to an invitation-only gathering in New Mexico that offered wealthy donors an opportunity to meet and mingle with GOP elected officials and leaders of conservative groups supporting the Koch agenda of less government regulation and disclosure.

In the Texas Legislature, Koch lobbyists are on record advocating repeal of notification requirements regarding company pipeline construction and discontinuing the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s compliance history program.
On Twitter: @wayneslater
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Old 07-03-2014, 12:42 PM   #2
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Sounds like the same kind of "fund raising" that Barack Obama has done divided by 1,000 ! It's chump change compared to Obama.

The Koch Brothers Industries gave Abbott $25,000.

The University of California gave Obama $1,800,000 and Google gave $800,000.

Looks like Obama is about 50 times more corrupt (according to TrannyTim's line of thinking).
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:03 PM   #3
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Obama has done more to move America to an Oligarchy state than Gregg Abbott.......

You are a dumb shit for focusing on a piker like Abbott when Obama is the real threat.

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Old 07-03-2014, 01:08 PM   #4
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At least Abbott's donors didn't trade with Nazis (the real ones) and are American citizens. I also noticed that the real donor was NOT the Koch brothers but the son of one of the brothers (aren't there five brothers?). Which brother? Only two seem to be hated because of their politics. Is this the son of one of them?
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:20 PM   #5
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Notice how the article makes no direct link between donations and influence peddling and public policy outcome...unlike Obama who has stood against Keystone and coal because of Tom Steyer (big Obama donor).

Obama Donor Set To Profit From Keystone Demise
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:43 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Notice how the article makes no direct link between donations and influence peddling and public policy outcome...unlike Obama who has stood against Keystone and coal because of Tom Steyer (big Obama donor).
Obama Donor Set To Profit From Keystone Demise
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Are you retarded? Did you read the DMN article? Did you note the favorable AG opinions in relation to the Koch's directly affected business interests in Texas? Those would be the AG opinions that come out of....you know....the AG's office....where Abbot is the AG?

No response at all to the allegations other than to attack President Obama. It won't wash Whirlytard.
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:44 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
At least Abbott's donors didn't trade with Nazis (the real ones) and are American citizens. I also noticed that the real donor was NOT the Koch brothers but the son of one of the brothers (aren't there five brothers?). Which brother? Only two seem to be hated because of their politics. Is this the son of one of them?
Yes, important points. Nazi's, US citizenship.....all germane to the discussion at hand.
And, I'm sure the son has no affiliation with the business interests of the Koch brothers, does he? Gee, let me think. Maybe if you read the article, you could figure that one out.

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Old 07-03-2014, 02:00 PM   #8
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Well, it is shameful to take money from someone who sells a useful legal product that might accidentally blow up and kill people, is it? (Although, less often than automobiles kill people every fucking day)
How shameful is it to be good friends with a Professor who has been convicted off blowing up motherfuckers on purpose and killing them?
Answer that, Timmy....
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Old 07-03-2014, 02:03 PM   #9
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Again....the article doesn't make the point that Abbott was influenced or changed his policy because of the Koch donations.........

In fact the time line is just the opposite. Abbott rendered his AG opinion in May, the Koch contributions occurred afterwards (September thru November).

Again, the DMN hit piece doesn't make a connection of influence peddling...but dumb shit TrannyTim would have you believe otherwise.

Answer the question: How did the Koch brothers buy influence ? The DMN article doesn't tell us.
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Old 07-03-2014, 02:12 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Again....the article doesn't make the point that Abbott was influenced or changed his policy because of the Koch donations.........

In fact the time line is just the opposite. Abbott rendered his AG opinion in May, the Koch contributions occurred afterwards (September thru November).

Again, the DMN hit piece doesn't make a connection of influence peddling...but dumb shit TrannyTim would have you believe otherwise.

Answer the question: How did the Koch brothers buy influence ? The DMN article doesn't tell us.
You're an idiot. Ready to accept the most outrageous and tenuous accusations of influence peddling with any democrat but when slapped in the face with the same thing in relation to one of his own, you suddenly lose the ability to reason.

I encourage you to read the article again and see if you can come up with a reason why the Koch brothers would contribute money to Abbot. Moron.
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Old 07-03-2014, 03:10 PM   #11
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Like I said; Abbott is a piker compared to the Obama fundraising - influence peddling............

But if you have numbers saying otherwise, please post.
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Old 07-03-2014, 03:31 PM   #12
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Abbott is pathologically unstable and unfit to serve as governor. Not as dumb as Perry but years of his disability, the medication he's taken and the lack of physical touch has caused him to slip into mental illness.

This guy is fucking dangerous and if elected likely will have to resign, leaving Dan Patrick governor.

Thinking Texans (Republicans) are NOT enthused by the prospects before them.

the Koch brothers found a great patsy.
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Old 07-03-2014, 03:44 PM   #13
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The o'blamers will defend anything of the right.
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:15 PM   #14
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I'd like to see a demographic and psychographic profile of our RWW nutcases.

I think we'd find some serious personality issues which have led them to find emotional sanctuary on ECCIE. the moral incinsistencies, the blatant xenophobia, the lack of reviews, judgmental posting.

A shrink would have a fucking field day.
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Old 07-03-2014, 04:23 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I'd like to see a demographic and psychographic profile of our RWW nutcases.

I think we'd find some serious personality issues which have led them to find emotional sanctuary on ECCIE. the moral incinsistencies, the blatant xenophobia, the lack of reviews, judgmental posting.

A shrink would have a fucking field day.
I'd like to see all the liberals form their own country, move to it, and let us try to save the fucked up carcass of a country here that they have ruined.
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