Originally Posted by ICU 812
Search for "Newbie-Friendly" Ads and reviews. Maybe start with an AMP session and post a review. Then maybe Take-One-For-The-Team on BP and post that review. Establish some cred as a contributing hobbyist.
P411 is another route to credibility/acceptance on this site.
I myself am not very active due to lack of opportunity and lack of funds . . .but still manage to get in a session once and a while.
Dude, she's a girl. :P
I can't really answer your question without more info. What information are you seeking when you ask? Are you asking politely? Elisabeth Whispers is a good one to talk to. She has endless patience and empathy for new ladies. It's a rare quality here. You have to understand that ladies come and go constantly in this business. Some ladies just have the attitude that helping new ladies is a waste of time because: 1) why help the competition? And 2) she probably won't be around long anyway. You can probably learn a lot of what you're wanting to know from the threads on the board. Or ask publicly. It is hard for me to advise you further since I don't really know the nature of the information you seek.
Of course it can be a bit clique-ish here, as with any social group. Just try to stay out of the drama and identify a few ladies who seem like they have the same kind of attitude and goals you do and try to form some acquaintances.
You'll learn that it's not just the ladies that can be unfriendly on this board. A large portion of the frequent posters on both sides have really unattractive attitudes. Just remember that for every bad apple that posts a lot, there are hundreds of wonderful lurkers who also read your posts and would love to see you. I think the owners and mods figured out a long time ago that drama brings page views, so they let the psych ward inmates run rampant, which discourages a lot of good people from posting because why get dragged into the muck?
Chin up. It's probably not as bad as I make it sound. It's just, well, this isn't church or daycare. It's a bit dog eat dog and you have to kind of accept that it won't always be the friendliest place.