Originally Posted by JJ
Please do not start rumors about things that you have no idea of. Especially when someone is not available to defend themselves.
Why not?
I mean I understand that she may be in Cell Block 5 or Cell Block 8 but the board allows reviews... good and bad... as well as discussions about people that are not members of the board..... Where does their membership get them special treatment during their absences?
Is there a Guideline I missed that deals with Rumor Starting? Not much here on the board is ever verified truthfully. Most decisions are based on someone's credibility....
Is there a Guideline I missed that deals with discussing members not here to defend themselves? If so where are you in all the other threads that have run regarding members that are/were banned?
A certain highly thought of provider is currently sitting in a cell for being arrested in possession of a felony amount of a substance we do not discuss... The use of that substance involves highly risky behaviors that could lead to many of us being exposed to a life threatening condition.
I do not agree with but I understand that discussing that usage is not permitted and there are guidelines that address it but the comment above is rather innocent and not remotely the same if I plugged a name into the Paragraph right before this one. It certainly would not be a rumor as it is a verifiable fact.....
So I am curios now to know..... IS Candi in Jail? If she is than it is not a rumor.... Maybe you should edit out "Cell Block X" though so that info is not inaccurate...